How to learn English effectively?

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Feb 10, 2017
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
First of All, I don't really know what exactly my English Level is, but, recently I have been learning English for nearly 2 months, truly and seriously. however, I sometimes felt very depressed as I thought my English level is not in progress very well.

I am wondering how we can learn English effectively if I am able to study English every single day, and I am setting up a goal for me to speak to foreigners fluently in 3 months.

how many vocabularies should I memorise each day?
What is the best learning plan of a day?
First of all, I don't really know [STRIKE]what[/STRIKE] exactly what my English level is, but (no comma here) [STRIKE]recently[/STRIKE] I have been learning English for nearly 2 months, [STRIKE]truly and seriously[/STRIKE] studying very hard. However, I sometimes [STRIKE]felt[/STRIKE] feel very depressed as I [STRIKE]thought[/STRIKE] don't think my English level is [STRIKE]not in[/STRIKE] progressing very well.

I am wondering how [STRIKE]we[/STRIKE] I can learn English effectively if I am able to study English every single day. [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] I am setting [STRIKE]up[/STRIKE] myself a goal [STRIKE]for me[/STRIKE] to speak to foreigners fluently in 3 months.

How [STRIKE]many[/STRIKE] much [STRIKE]vocabularies[/STRIKE] vocabulary should I memorise each day?

What is the best daily learning plan? [STRIKE]of a day?[/STRIKE]

My first piece of advice is to forget your goal of speaking fluently in three months! Unless you're a genius, that's just not going to happen. Learning a language is a slow process and you need to be patient.

What textbooks are you using to study? Do you go to classes? Do you have some native English speakers around you who can help you with your conversational English?

It's not a question of just learning vocabulary. Make sure you read in English as much as possible - choose good online newspapers, see if you can borrow books in English from the library (there are things called "Easy Readers" which are written in simple English). When you find a word you don't understand, look it up in your dictionary (an English-only dictionary, which gives definitions) and perhaps try to memorise a complete sentence containing the word, so that you have some context.

Note my corrections to your post above.
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Thank you for the correction of my thread. I have no native English speaker around me so that it will be much more difficult for me to speak, and I also start reading books in English and I am just a self-learner for English but got tonnes of text book, which relates to English Grammar or Vocabulary.
I rather like grammar than other parts of English, such as speaking and writing etc Although my grammar is not good enough so far.
Watch English-language movies.
There are many ways and techniques followed by users to learn English effectively. It totally depends upon their convenience. I suggest normally to go with Mobile app. There are many apps in the app market where you can learn languages effectively. As mobile is very handy to carry I prefer this option.
how many vocabularies should I memorise each day?

It is far more efficient to learn the many ways that individual words can be used than to try to learn long lists. Most native speakers use a fairly small active vocabulary. You can expand your passive vocabulary by reading and listening.
PS Three months, even studying intensively, is not a long time with a language. It takes native speakers far longer than that.
PS Three months, even studying intensively, is not a long time with a language. It takes native speakers far longer than that.

True. But if you have previously learned the sound system well enough to hear, and acquired basic grammar and vocabulary, three months of immersion can do miracles for fluency.
True. But if you have previously learned the sound system well enough to hear, and acquired basic grammar and vocabulary, three months of immersion can do miracles for fluency.
I would say that my English, I reckon, should be at the intermediate level, and at present, I am digging into English Grammar and vocabulary. Although tonnes of people told me you should not concentrate my attention on Grammar, I do not know really why and I just love learning Grammar.
Anyway, My Grammar is still so bad haha
I would say that my English (no comma here) [STRIKE]I reckon, should be at the[/STRIKE] is about intermediate level (no comma here) and, at present, I am digging into English grammar and vocabulary. Although [STRIKE]tonnes[/STRIKE] lots of people have told me [STRIKE]you[/STRIKE] I should not concentrate [STRIKE]my attention[/STRIKE] on grammar, I do not really know [STRIKE]really[/STRIKE] why. [STRIKE]and[/STRIKE] I just love learning grammar.
[STRIKE]Anyway[/STRIKE] However, my grammar is still [STRIKE]so[/STRIKE] very bad. Ha ha!

See my corrections above. You certainly need to work on your capitalisation. Also (and I can't believe we haven't pointed this out before), your title is not grammatically correct. We don't start questions with "How to". Your title should have been "How can I learn English effectively?"
Don't even think about fluency in a foreign language within a period of three month. Fluency does not only mean that you can converse in English on any topic - with some topics more demanding in vocabulary and structure and/or others less demanding. Foreign language learning is a gradual process that can take a longer time and will involve several stages in the learning process as you are building your practical language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

From what I can see from your current level of English in your written posts, you will need further intensive training in all these four language skills in a way that integrates practice in all these skils.

I suggest that you use texts and concentrate on essay writing and reasing comprehension with a teacher guiding you. Also, outside class you should use and practice English as much as you can. When done in the right manner, your language skills will (hopefully) improve rapidly.

But, please, don't put yourself under pressure; it could be counter-productive to a smooth learning process!

And yes, my own English is that of a non-native speaker also. Good luck!
choose good online newspapers
Emsr2d2, could you please introduce some of them here? Some reliable sources for reading in English as much as possible.
It is far more efficient to learn the many ways that individual words can be used than to try to learn long lists.
Tdol, does that sentence mean that we should memorize vocabulary instead of memorizing sentences?
The New York Times, the Guardian, and The Economist are three online journals with high editorial standards.
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The Guardian does not come in that category. It has so many typos its nickname is The Grauniad.
I am just a self-learner for English but got tonnes of text book, which relates to English Grammar or Vocabulary.
I have no textbook whatsoever. I just visit English forums and grammar sites.
I believe I have learnt much on this forum over the years.
It is far more efficient to learn the many ways that individual words can be used than to try to learn long lists.
Tdol, does that sentence mean that we should memorize vocabulary instead of memorizing sentences?
I take that sentence to mean that we should not waste time trying to memorize long lists of vocabulary.
I have no textbook whatsoever. I just visit English forums and grammar sites.
I believe I have learnt much on this forum over the years.
Do you improve your speaking skill as well as grammar and writing in this way?
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