Help ESL Learners Learn Irregular Verbs

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List of irregular verbs

beat, beat, beaten
  • The present and past tense of beat is beat. The past participle is beaten.
  • Don't beat me!
    I beat her yesterday.
    Did you beat the eggs?
    They have been beaten.
become became become

I want to become a teacher.
I became impatient.
What has become of me?
bet, bet, bet

Present tense:
  • I bet I can run faster than you.
Past tense:
  • I bet five dollars on number 5 in the fifth race.
Past participle:
  • I have bet on football games many times.

bite, bit, bitten

  • Dogs sometimes bite people.
    That dog bit me.
    I have been bitten.
    Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

  • Don't bite me!
    It's not nice to bite people.
    The cat bit the dog.
    I have been bitten by a dog.
    A person is most likely to be bitten by his own dog.
drink, drank, drunk, drinking

I drink.
I drank.
I have drunk.
I have been drinking.

He drinks.
He drank.
He has drunk.
He has been drinking.

They drink beer.
They drank beer.
They drank all the beer.
They have drunk the beer.
They have been drinking beer.

You drink.
You drank.
You have drunk.
You have been drinking.

What have you been drinking?
What did you drink?

I drink coffee in the morning.
I drank coffee this morning.
I have drunk coffee before.
I have never drunk whiskey.
I have been drinking coffee all morning.

Q: Where is the soda I was drinking?
A: Sheila drank it. She was thirsty.

I drank the orange juice last night.
I have drunk mugs of strawberry Kool-Aid.
I drank water from the tap.
I have drunk beer in the past.
Sheila has been drinking.
I drank a cup of tea.
find: find, found, found, finding

  • I find things when I look for them.
    Sometimes I find things when I am not looking for them.
    I was looking for love, and I found it.
    I have found a gold mine.
    Have you found anything?
    No, I haven't found anything.
    I once found a $20 bill.
    I hope you find what you are looking for.
    I shall find it.
    I didn't find anything. Did you find anything?
keep: keep, kept, kept, keeping

Keep to the schedule. (Present tense.)
It is kept in a box. (Past participle, present progressive.)
It is being kept in a safe place. (Past participle, present progressive.)
It was kept in good condition for a long time. (past participle, past perfect.)
He is keeping time to the music. (Present participle, present progressive.)
Don't keep doing that. (Present tense.)
Please keep this in a safe place. (Present tense.)
She is keeping it with her. (Present participle, present progressive.)
write: write, wrote, written, writing

Will Will write a letter? (Present tense.)
She wrote the note illegibly. (Past tense.)
It was written in a hurry. (Past participle, past perfect.)
He has been writing that letter for an hour. (Present participle, present progressive.)
do: do, did, done, doing

It's best to do it right or not do it at all.
I did it.
I have done it.
I have been doing it for years.
see: see, saw, seen, seeing

  • I see a girl. (Present tense.)
    Does she see me? (Present tense.)
    I see a girl. (Present tense.)
    She sees me. (Present tense.)
    I see geese. (Present tense.)
    The geese see me. (Present tense.)

    Yesterday, I saw thirty geese. (Past tense.)
    The geese saw me. (Past tense.)
    I had seen geese before. (Past perfect ("had" + past participle))
    I had never seen so many geese before then. (Past perfect ("had" + past participle))
    I hadn't seen flying geese before either. (Past perfect ("had" + past participle))
    I had seen ducks before. (Past perfect ("had" + past participle))
    Yesterday, I saw two more. (Past tense.)
do: do, did, done, doing

I do it.
I did it.
I have done it.
I have been doing it for years.
see: see, saw, seen, seeing

I have seen two, and I have seen four.
I have seen three, and I have seen more.
I saw three geese yesterday.
I saw four geese today.
Do you see what I see?
Satellites are seen by reflected sunlight.
know: know, knew, known

I know what I know.
I know Susie.
I know how to play baseball.

I knew that would happen.
I hardly knew him.
I knew that increased demand would lead to higher prices.

I have known him for years.
I have known that for a long time.
It has been known for a while.
grow: grow, grew, grown

I'll grow when I grow.
Bananas grow in the tropics.

I grew too big for my britches.
My head grew too big for my hat.

Demand for our product has grown, and we need a bigger plant.
The pumpkin has grown to an enormous size.
take, took taken

  • Here, take this.
    Okay, I will take it.

    I took it.
    It has been taken.

    Q: Who took the book?
    A: The cook took the book?

steal, stole, stolen

  • Somebody stole the car.
    It has been stolen.

hello every body how are you all diong? i hope you are doing fine, i am doing fine too. i am from Holland, i want to learn english bye your healp yhank you of helping me.:up: :roll:
The past tense of steal is stole, Examples:
You stole my thunder.
Somebody stole my wallet.
Somebody stole his car. (He reported that it had been stolen (past perfect).

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