[Grammar] Grammar doubts

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Jul 1, 2015
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Sentence: It has been raining all night.
Q. Can we say "It's been raining all night"?

Sentence: He takes but little pride in his work.
Q. Why are we using "but" in the above sentence? Can we say "He takes little pride in his work"? What is the reason?

Sentence: I have been living here for months.
Q. What is the difference between above sentence and "I had been living here for months"? Is it correct to say "I had been living here for months"?
Please note that a better title would have been It has been raining all night.

Extract from the Posting Guidelines:

'Thread titles should include all or part of the word/phrase being discussed.'

Yes — we can say 'It's been raining all night'.

Please ask the unrelated questions in separate threads, with a title relevant to each.
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