Don't touch that glass with your mouth while drinking water otherwise nobody will be

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Feb 4, 2014
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1) Don't touch that glass with your mouth while drinking water otherwise nobody will be able to drink from that glass because it won't be clean anymore.

2) Don't touch that glass with the mouth of the patient while helping him drink the water. Just pour it in his mouth a little.

Please check my sentences.
From the standpoint of grammar they're OK. But from a practical consideration: 1) "....and discard all food and drink utensils after use". 2)"... and see him choke". :shock:
Consider these sentences.

Jack: Don't drink that water.
Mack: Why?
Jack: Because nobody will want to drink from that glass after you have.
Mack: Why should I care?

As for your sentences, nobody would ever say that, so the grammar doesn't matter. (The second one is especially ridiculous.)
Don't allow the patient's lips to touch the glass. Pour the water into his/her mouth.
1) Don't touch that glass with your mouth while drinking water otherwise nobody will be able to drink from that glass because it won't be clean anymore.
I'm tired of repeating myself with respect to the awkwardness I've underlined above. You should also avoid repeating yourself.
Yes, tufguy, you must get into the habit of using "it/him/her/them" to refer back to previously mentioned singular or plural nouns.
It's easier and makes more sense to wash the glass before the next person uses it.
Don't allow the patient's lips to touch the glass. Pour the water into his/her mouth.

Don't let your lips to touch the glass otherwise I won't use that glass. Is it correct?
Don't let your lips to touch the glass otherwise I won't use that glass.

Do you really need to say that?
Do you hate him/her?
Yes, tufguy, you must get into the habit of using "it/him/her/them" to refer back to previously mentioned singular or plural nouns.

Don't let your lips to touch the glass otherwise I won't use that glass. Is it correct?

Honestly, tufguy, I don't know why I bother giving you advice sometimes.
Don't let your lips to touch the glass otherwise I won't use that glass. Is it correct?
Tufguy, look at the two phrases I've underlined, then re-read this thread and tell me why I should keep answering your questions. We've been giving you excellent advice on this forum for six and a half years. Your English has improved more than a little, but not nearly enough to justify the time volunteers have spent helping you.

Tell me what you did wrong in posts 5 and 9, and what you should have written. I'm very serious about this; if you don't answer this correctly, I'll block you.
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Honestly, emsr2d2, after six and a half years of wasting your time, you should have learnt by now: it's pointless.
Tufguy has actually made (very very slow) progress over the years. There may be neurological issues behind the slowness which he might want to investigate. But as I wrote above, my patience is also wearing out.
Honestly, tufguy, I don't know why I bother giving you advice sometimes.

Don't let your lips to touch the glass otherwise I won't use it. Is it correct?
Don't let your lips [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] touch the glass otherwise I won't use it. Is it correct?

I think it is more natural to say: Don't drink directly from the glass (Pour it into your mouth).
Tufguy has actually made (very very slow) progress over the years. There may be neurological issues behind the slowness which he might want to investigate. But as I wrote above, my patience is also wearing out.

Yes, you got it right. This is the reason why I have always been a failure my whole life. I haven't been able to do anything properly. When I was a kid there was a teacher of mine who always denoted me as "donkey" because of this. My late maternal grandpa always said that I would not be able to achieve anything in the future because he had figured it out that I was a dumb. He did praise my cousins because they were more active and clever and now they all are doing well and are enjoying their lives however I am still struggling. I haven't been able to know what I am good at. I can't even drive or get on a ride because of some neurological issue. My confidence level is very low. The activities that seem easy for most of the people are a bit difficult for me to execute. It seems I am going to be kicked out of my office as well because I can't work properly. I haven't been able to learn the things that new comers have learner pretty quickly. I have had enough of this life now. So, please don't mind anything as I don't do these mistakes on purpose. I am also a forgetful man so please forgive me.
In light of your response, tufguy, you certainly need to concentrate on just one thing at a time. As Piscean said, you will (and do) get confused when you have multiple threads running at the same time.

From now on, I suggest you do the following when you want to open a thread on the forum:

1. Write your post but don't actually publish it.
2. Stop.
3. Read your post several times.
4. Ask yourself:
- Is my question absolutely clear? Will the other users understand exactly what I'm asking?
- Have I used (at the very least) correct basic punctuation (question mark on a question, full stop at the end of every declarative sentence)?
- Have I unnecessarily repeated any nouns?
- Have I used an article before every countable noun? (Don't worry too much about whether it's an indefinite or a definite article, but use one of them!)
5. When you're happy you've covered those, post your question.

When you get a response, do the following:

1. Read it.
2. Read it again.
3. Read it again.
4. Read it in combination with your original question.
5. Apply every single thing contained in the response to your original sentence.
6. Write your response, asking yourself:
- Did I understand everything in the response?
- Have I taken notice of every single thing I was told?
- Have I ignored any part of the response?
7. Write your response, following the same steps I gave you for writing your original post.

If it helps you, print out this numbered list and keep it next to your computer.

We sympathise with your specific issues, tufguy, we really do but you need to understand that this forum is not really set up for helping people with special educational needs. As in a standard school, students who need extra, specialised, help normally have a specially trained teacher to assist them. The reason that it can be frustrating for us here when we try to help you is that we are not trained to deal with learners with neurological issues that affect their learning. So the problem is twofold - we don't/can't teach in the way that you need, and you don't/can't learn in the way that we are used to.
tufguy, you can be very proud of yourself for writing that autobiographical paragraph above, which is almost flawless.

Well done!
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Don't let your lips [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] touch the glass otherwise I won't use it. Is [STRIKE]it[/STRIKE] that correct?
With my correction, yes.
tufguy, you can be very proud of yourself for writing that autobiographical paragraph above, which is almost flawless.

Well done!
Yes indeed, and it demonstrates something we've mentioned to you a number of times: you can write quite well when you write about things happening in your daily life.
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