Diary - Yesterday, I was in heavy traffic on the way home.


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Yesterday, I was in heavy traffic on the way home. I stayed on a bus for almost two hours and I really wanted to pee. I thought of getting off the bus and took another transport but we were on the highway so it was impossible. After getting off the bus, I ran as fast as I could. Finally I made it to home.
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Yesterday, I was caught in heavy traffic (a traffic jam) while on a bus on the way home. I stayed on a the bus for almost two hours and I really wanted to pee. I thought of getting off the bus and took another mode of transport but we were on the highway, so it was impossible. After getting off the bus, I ran as fast as I could. Finally I made it to home.
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@Maybo Try:

I thought of getting off the bus and catching a different one later.

Don't say you were considering using a different mode of transport unless you were thinking about using a taxi (for example).
Yesterday, I was stuck on a bus for almost two hours in heavy traffic on the way home no full stop here I stayed on a bus for almost two hours and I really wanted needed to pee. I thought of getting off the bus and took taking another form of transport but we were on the highway so it was impossible. After getting off the bus, I ran home as fast as I could. Finally I made it to home. What a relief!
See above.

I don't see how getting off the bus and finding a different form of transport would have helped. It would probably have made your journey longer, making you even more uncomfortable.
I'm impressed you can run when desperate for a pee! 🤣
I deleted what was your final sentence because I needed to make an improvement there. However, note that that sentence wasn't grammatical anyway. It should have been "Finally, I made it home" (note the comma and that "at" is wrong before "home").
When you say you were caught in heavy traffic it makes it seem like you the one driving, and, of course, you were not.
@Maybo They are going to throw a party for me when I reach 30,000 posts as Tarheel. You are, of course, invited.
Respectfully, could I ask you two to take your conversation over to Private Messages? I keep getting notifications that there are new posts to deal with in this thread and then they turn out not to be language-based at all. Thank you.
When you say you were caught in heavy traffic it makes it seem like you the one driving, and, of course, you were not.
I agree that "stuck in heavy traffic" is better. Yes, "caught" seems to imply that one is navigating through the traffic, or maybe not.

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