Diary - Recently, my neighbour below my apartment has been renovating their rooms


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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Hong Kong
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Hong Kong
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Recently, my neighbours below my apartment has been renovating their rooms so I can smell the paint all day long. It's so strong that I can't stand it and sometimes feel dizzy. At times, I really want to live in a house so that I wouldn't have neighbours very close to me and wouldn't be affected very much. Fortunately, my neighbour aren't painting the whole apartment in one sitting so I can at least go to different rooms to avoid the smell.
This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Recently, my neighbours below my apartment has been renovating their rooms so I can get the smell the of paint all day long. It's so strong that I can't stand it and sometimes feel dizzy. At times, I really want to live in a house so that I wouldn't have neighbours living very close to me and they wouldn't be affected affect me very much. Fortunately, my neighbour aren't painting the whole apartment in one sitting go, so I can at least go to different rooms to avoid the smell.
@Maybo Perhaps:

Recently my neighbors below me have been renovating their rooms. The smell of the paint is so strong I can't stand it. It even makes me feel dizzy. Sometimes I wish I lived in a house so I wouldn't have such problems. Fortunately my neighbors aren't painting the whole apartment all at the same time. At least I can go to different rooms to avoid the smell.

Please note that "neighbors" is plural and gets "have".
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