Diary - Recently, I've been binge watching a comedy TV show


Key Member
Feb 23, 2017
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This is an entry from my diary. Please check it and correct any mistakes.

Recently, I've been binge watching a comedy TV show "Ugly Betty". I've finished watching the first season, and I'm going to say, it is my second favourite TV show! I like it because there are a lot of twists and turns, and many characters are hilarious. I've also noticed that there are some actors whom I've seen them appearing in other shows, but most interestingly, it's surprising to see them in their younger age. However, I sometimes mistake some actors for others, but it's still fun when I'm able to recognise them.
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There are some actors that I've seen in other shows. It's interesting to see what they looked like when they were younger.
@Maybo I've noticed that ESL learners tend to use perfect tenses at least twice as often as native speakers. This time is an exception in that I have no argument with any of them..(There are three.)
it is my second favourite TV show!
it is my second-favourite TV show!
Which do you mean?
I've also noticed that there are some actors whom I've seen them appearing in other shows,
Can you spot the mistake in the above part?
but most interestingly, it's surprising to see them in their younger age.
That's not natural. Say: "It's interesting to see how they looked when they were young(er)".
@Maybo I've noticed that ESL learners tend to use perfect tenses at least twice as often as native speakers. This time is an exception in that I have no argument with any of them..(There are three.)
It’s because they don’t know when the perfect tenses are not needed. :ROFLMAO:
@Maybo Monk is my favorite obsessive-compulsive detective. 😊
They seem to mean the same to me. My favourite show is Monk. Ugly Betty ranks second.
"second favrouite" means the second of equally ranked favourite shows.
"second-favourite" is what you need.
I should remove “whom” and “them appearing”.
You can just remove "them". That would make your sentence grammatical.
It’s because they don’t know when the perfect tenses are not needed. :ROFLMAO:
Well, I think it should be the other way around. You're not sure when they are needed, so you use them all the time. 😊 For me, and, I think, most native speakers, simple past (or simple present) is the default tense, with simple perfect (or present perfect) only being used as needed.
@Maybo Apparently, Teechar still uses "whom". 😊
Well, I think it should be the other way around. You're not sure when they are needed, so you use them all the time. 😊 For me, and, I think, most native speakers, simple past (or simple present) is the default tense, with simple perfect (or present perfect) only being used as needed.
Um. It’s like native speakers know when a phrase or a word can be omitted.
I just watched an episode from “Ugly Betty”. The actress said, “I don’t want him knowing what I did to him”. She said “did” and not “have done”. I’ve noticed that in spoken English, the simple past tense is more used.
Um. It’s like native speakers know when a phrase or a word can be omitted.
I just watched an episode from “Ugly Betty”. The actress said, “I don’t want him knowing what I did to him”. She said “did” and not “have done”. I’ve noticed that in spoken English, the simple past tense is USED MORE OFTEN THAN NOT.
Did you hear me sneeze?
Recently, I've been binge watching a comedy TV show "Ugly Betty".
You need to say either "... the TV comedy Ugly Betty" or "a TV comedy called Ugly Betty".
I've finished watching the first season no comma here and I'm going to say, it is my second favourite TV show!
You're not going to say it. You've said it!
I like it because there are a lot of twists and turns, and many characters are hilarious.

I've also noticed spotted that there are some of the actors whom I've seen them appearing in other shows no comma here but most interestingly, and it's surprising interesting to see them in their when they were younger. age.
This sentence was really messy. Pay close attention to my changes.
However, I Sometimes I mistake some the actors for others someone else, but it's still fun when I'm able to recognise them.

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