as well as reducing the number of calls.

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Senior Member
Apr 12, 2017
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Pashto, Pushto
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United States
I was struggling to come up with a solution to this problem.

1)I wanted to increase our concentration during work as well as reducing the number of calls.

2)I wanted to increase our concentration during work as well as reduce the number of calls.

3)I wanted to increase our concentration during work and to reduce the number of calls.

Which sentence is correct? (These sentences come after the italic sentence)
In the above, both "as well as reduce" and "and to reduce " are okay; "as well as reducing" does not work. However, the first part of your sentence is unnatural and not very clear.
1 is wrong, but it's unfortunately a frequent error that I've seen native speakers commit. Think about it: the first verb is "(to) increase", so why would the second verb end with -ing? It should not, because it makes no sense to use the -ing form. The basic structure is "... to increase... as well as (to) decrease...."

2 and 3 are correct, given teechar's caveats.
I don't think that's quite the same. If it was, we should be able to say, e.g.,
"I wanted increasing our concentration during work as well as to reduce the number of calls."
which clearly doesn't work.
Is this clearer?

I wanted staff to increase their concentration on the work as well as reduce the number of calls.
Is the following correct too?
All I wanted to do was (to) reduce the number of calls as well as increase our productivity during work.
All I wanted to do was reduce the number of calls and increase our productivity at work.
In addition to the example in post #4, I found a few more.

1. 'The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities'—quoted from Longman.
2. 'She manages the budget as well as ordering the equipment'—quoted from TheFreeDictionary
3. 'She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer'—quoted from Oxford.
4. 'Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference'—quoted from Collins.
All I wanted to do was reduce the number of calls and increase our productivity at work.

All I wanted to do was (to) reduce the number of calls as well as increase our productivity during work.

Is my sentence (the bold part) incorrect? And, can we use "lower" instead of "reduce". My teacher said that "lower" is better than "reduce".
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