and professes that the country is the first-in-line financial supporter of the organisation


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Feb 19, 2016
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The USA, under the Biden–Harris administration, has declared its pride in the foundational role it had in the early days of Africa CDC and professes that the country is the first-in-line financial supporter of the organisation.

Source: The Lancet Editorial: A new era for Africa CDC

I've failed to figure out whether the word "profess" here is neutral or a bit sarcastic because the definitions appear to be conflicting to me:
1. to claim something, especially when it is not true
2. to admit publicly that you have a particular feeling or belief

The first definition above is undoutedly negative by pointing out such professing to be hypocritical. So you have to use the second. Unfortunately, the first haunts, casting shadows on the second.

Is it neutral there?

Edit: the text that follows seems to support the idea that the word "profess" here is used in a bit sarcastic way:
The USA, under the Biden–Harris administration, has declared its pride in the foundational role it had in the early days of Africa CDC and professes that the country is the first-in-line financial supporter of the organisation. The Chinese Government boasts of training public health staff of African Union member states and funded the organisation's new steel and glass headquarters under its flagship Belt and Road Initiative. Given the geopolitical tensions between the USA and China, Africa CDC risks being used as a pawn. Africa's key public health institution cannot be left in such a precarious position. It is imperative that other countries—not least members of the African Union—provide unrestricted financial support to Africa CDC.
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It's neutral or even positive. I would say there is a little bit of bragging going on. It's like they're saying "Don't forget who gave you the money to get started."

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