Although Joan had been living in London for more than

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Mar 1, 2008
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Although Joan had been living in London for more than ten years, she could never adapt herself. She was born in a quiet little town in the north where everyone knew everyone and where people usually didn't even lock their doors. London was too big for her and too noisy. She didn't like the ubiquitous presence of the CCTV cameras which closely followed your movements everywhere or security guards who gave you the looks as if you were a criminal. She yearned after the open fields and woods around her hometown, where she wandered with her parents as a child. Sometimes, she felt like a traitor. She had moved to London only because of higher wages, but what she gained financially she lost emotionally.
Although Joan had been living in London for more than ten years, she could never adapt to it. [STRIKE]herself.[/STRIKE] She was born in a quiet little town in the north where everyone knew everyone and where people usually didn't even lock their doors. London was too big for her and too noisy. She didn't like the ubiquitous presence of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] CCTV cameras which closely followed your movements everywhere or the security guards who [STRIKE]gave you the looks[/STRIKE] looked at you as if you were a criminal. She yearned after the open fields and woods around her hometown, where she wandered with her parents as a child. Sometimes, she felt like a traitor. She had moved to London only because of the higher wages, but what she gained financially was not worth what she lost emotionally.
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