[Grammar] when to use runner-up and when to use runners-up?

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Mar 29, 2013
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Dear all

It all started when my friend pointed out what he thought was a mistake in my resume.
the line was:
"Was runner-up in cricket matches in 2011-12"
There was only one cup for which we played during that season. So I thought runner-up was appropriate.

But now I don't know when runners-up is used. I read somewhere that Roger Federer has a lot of runners-up spots.

Could you please tell me when I should use runner-up and runners-up correctly?
The phrase in your resume was correct. Runners-up is just the plural of runner-up. You can use it when there is more than one runner-up.
The phrase in your resume was correct. Runners-up is just the plural of runner-up. You can use it when there is more than one runner-up.

thank you. :up: . Now I can boast that I was right.
"Was runner-up in cricket matches in 2011-12"
That line sound strange too me. You were, I imagine, a member of the cricket team who were runners up in the 2011-12 cup competition.
That line sound strange too me. You were, I imagine, a member of the cricket team who were runners up in the 2011-12 cup competition.

I agree. A cricket match is played between two teams, so if you were the runner-up, you were on the losing side.
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