[Grammar] Blake is one of the students who sing/ sings??

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Mar 31, 2010
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Hi, there.

Can anyone tell me which is correct?

a) Blake is one of the students who sing in the concert.
b) Blake is one of the studnets who sings in the concert.

Also, one of my colleagues shared this one:

a) Blake is the only one of the students who sings in the concert.

Does it mean that Blake is the only one who sings, while the other students
won't get on the stage and sing?

I appreciate any ideads or thoughts.
Hi, there.

Can anyone tell me which is correct?

a) Blake is one of the students who sing in the concert.
b) Blake is one of the studnets who sings in the concert.

Also, one of my colleagues shared this one:

a) Blake is the only one of the students who sings in the concert.

Does it mean that Blake is the only one who sings, while the other students
won't get on the stage and sing?

I appreciate any ideads or thoughts.

***** NOT A TEACHER *****

Good morning, kiweep.

(1) This is something that confuses native speakers, too.

(2) Most books accept a) as "correct."

(1) Blake is one.

(2) One of what?

(3) Of the students.

(4) What kind of students?

(a) The students who SING in the concert

(5) Blake is one (of the students + who sing in the concert).

(6) Yes, I believe that your second a) with "the only" does, indeed, mean what your friends have told you.

(a) Just mentally erase "of the students" and you get:

Blake is the only one (who SINGS in the concert). = adjective clause that modifies "one."

Thank you.
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