Zero Conditionals and Feelings- Personalised Sentences


Emotions vocabulary and Present Simple + Present Simple conditionals speaking practice, then testing students on their memories of the synonyms and opposites of the feelings words they were just using.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Zero conditionals and feelings personalised sentences guessing game

Choose one of the feelings below. Without saying the name of the feeling, say something that makes you feel that way and/ or something you do when you feel that way, for example “If/ When I feel this way, I usually chew my fingernails” without saying “stressed” or “If/ When I have a test, I almost always feel this way” without saying “motivated”. Your partner should then try to repeat the sentence back to you with the correct feelings word.

Example dialogue

Student A: “When I feel this way, I usually chew my fingernails”

Student B: “When you feel bored, you usually chew your fingernails”

Student A: “Actually, if I feel bored I just have a nap”

Student B: “When you feel stressed, you usually chew your fingernails”

Student A: “Yes, that’s exactly right”


Useful phrases for playing the game

“If/ When I feel this way, I (always/ almost always/ usually/ often/ sometimes)…”

“If/ When…, I…”

“That’s right”

“That’s also true, but that’s not the sentence that I wrote”

“No, that’s not true for me. In that situation I… Try again”

“Shall I give you a hint?”

  • afraid/ frightened/ scared
  • amused – unamused
  • angry/ furious/ irritated/ annoyed – calm
  • anxious/ nervous/ worried – calm
  • bored/ uninterested – interested/ excited
  • confused
  • disgusted/ revolted
  • dizzy
  • enthusiastic – unenthusiastic
  • happy – blue/ down/ unhappy/ sad/ depressed
  • hot – cold
  • hungry/ starving – full/ stuffed
  • ill/ sick/ unwell – well
  • impressed – unimpressed/ disappointed
  • motivated – unmotivated
  • offended
  • patient – impatient
  • relieved
  • restless
  • satisfied – dissatisfied
  • stressed – relaxed
  • surprised/ shocked/ amazed
  • thirsty
  • tired/ sleepy/ exhausted – energetic
  • upset
  • wonderful/ fantastic/ fabulous – terrible/ awful/ horrible

Share one thing you learnt about your partner and see if anyone else in the class shares that thing when they have that feeling. 

Ask about anything above you don’t understand, can’t pronounce, etc, working together to make example sentences with those words each time.

Without looking above for now, put at least one suitable word into each of the gaps below. A slash (/) means the words should have similar meanings and a dash (-) means that the words should have opposite meanings. Words which weren’t above are also fine as long as they match the gaps.

  • afraid/ _________________________/ _____________________________________
  • amused – ____________________________________________________________
  • angry/ ____________________/ ____________________________/ annoyed – calm
  • anxious/ _______________________/ _______________________________ – calm
  • bored/ __________________________ – interested/ __________________________
  • brave/ ____________________________ – scared/ afraid/ frightened
  • confused
  • ____________________________________________________________/ revolted
  • dizzy
  • enthusiastic – ________________________________________________________
  • happy – _________________/ down/ _______________/ sad/ _________________
  • hot – _______________________________________________________________
  • hungry/ ______________________ – ________________/ ____________________
  • ill/ ________________________/ ___________________________________ – well
  • impressed – _____________________/ ___________________________________
  • motivated – _________________________________________________________
  • offended
  • patient – ____________________________________________________________
  • relieved
  • restless
  • satisfied – ___________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________ – relaxed
  • surprised/ ____________________________/ ______________________________
  • thirsty
  • tired/ ______________/ _______________ – _______________________________
  • upset
  • wonderful/ ______________/ _____________ – ____________/ __________/ horrible

Compare your ideas with those on the previous page. Many more answers are possible, so please check if you wrote different words.  

Test each other on the synonyms and antonyms above.

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