Weather Vocabulary- Bluffing Game


Fun personalised practice of words and phrases for common and less common weather through a lying speaking game, with words that go together to describe weather presentation.

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Weather vocabulary bluffing game

with weather collocations

Choose one of the weather cards below. Make a personal statement about that weather as quickly as possible, using your imagination if you can’t think of anything true. Your partner will ask you for more details with questions like “Why…?”, then guess if your statement was true or not. Then take turns doing the same until your teacher stops you.


Suggested personal statements about weather

  • I don’t know what to do if…
  • I don’t think it’s safe to…
  • I don’t like… (at all/ very much).
  • I don’t mind…
  • I (often/ usually) (want to) drink/ eat… when…
  • I (really) enjoy…
  • I had a crash due to…
  • I (really) hate…
  • I injured myself because of…
  • I prefer… to…
  • I recommend… for…
  • I try to avoid…
  • I usually/ often/ sometimes … when…
  • I was injured during…
  • I wouldn’t drive during…
  • I’d like to experience… (again/ for the first time).
  • I’m dreading the next…
  • I’m looking forward to the next…
  • I’m scared of…
  • I’m superstitious about…
  • I’m worried about…
  • I’ve (often/ rarely/ never) experienced…
  • I’ve made preparations in case there is…
  • Most people hate…, but I don’t mind it/ like it/ really like it/ love it.
  • The best thing about… for me is…
  • The worst thing about… for me is…
  • When I was young(er), …
  • … affects my mood.
  • … affects my heath.
  • … makes me feel…
  • … reminds me of…
  • … makes me nostalgic for…
  • … is the most important thing for me.

Share one true thing that you learnt about your partner and see if it is true about anyone else in the class.

Ask about anything above you don’t understand, are not sure you used correctly, etc, working together to make statements using it each time.


Suggested weather to talk about


(black) ice





baking/ boiling (hot)


(light) breeze/ breezy



(black/ storm/ grey) clouds/ cloudy





cool (down)



changeable (weather)


(morning) dew/ dewy


(sudden) downpour



(light) drizzle/ drizzly


(sudden) drop in…





dry (air/ weather/-ness)




fog(gy)/ mist(y)



freezing (cold)/ freeze


(ground) frost/ frosty


grey (days/ skies/ -ness)





heat(wave)/ hot


humid/ (high) humidity



hurricane/ typhoon


cyclone/ tornado





lightning (bolt/ strike)




monsoon/ rainy season



over 100 degrees


(heavy/ torrential) rain


raining (buckets)



(sudden) rise in…




(light/ April) shower










(strong/ blazing) sun/ sunshine




(unseasonably) warm/ warmth


… degrees below (zero)/ minus… (degrees)








clear (up/ skies)




Weather collocations

Without looking above, join the left-hand and right-hand parts of the same section to make other weather vocabulary with parts of speech, compound nouns, collocations, etc.


baking/ boiling                                                                                      -able weather  

light                                                                                                                       breeze

black/ storm/ grey                                                                                               clouds

cool                                                                                                                       dew

change                                                                                                   down

morning                                                                                                                drizzle

sudden down                                                                                        hot

light                                                                                                                       -pour





dry                                                                                                                         air/ weather/ -ness

fog/ smog                                                                                                             bolt/ strike         

freezing                                                                                                                cold

ground                                                                                                    days/ skies/ -ness        

grey                                                                                                                      frost

hail                                                                                                                        -gy       

heat                                                                                                                      -ity                     

(high) humid                                                                                                        season

lightning                                                                                                               -stones

rainy                                                                                                                     -wave





heavy/ torrential                                                                                                  buckets                          

raining                                                                                                    degrees

light/ April                                                                                                             -ness

strong/ blazing                                                                                      rain

thunder                                                                                                   shower

minus ten                                                                                                             -storm/ -clap

ten degrees below                                                                                             sun(shine)

damp/ wet                                                                                                            up/ skies

clear                                                                                                                     zero



Check above. Other matches might be possible, but there is probably only one way of matching everything.

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