Verbs with Two Objects- Roleplay Discussion


Verb + direct object + indirect object oral practice through discussing what to do with unwanted possessions when moving house, with thirteen suggested verbs with more than one object.

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Verbs with two objects roleplay discussion

Work in groups of three or four people. You are members of a family who have to move from a large old house to a much smaller new apartment and so need to get rid of some things that won’t fit into or be suitable for the new flat. Together decide what you will do with the things below and anything else that you might think might come up in that discussion.

Suggested things to talk about getting rid of

  • 15 kilos of frozen meat
  • nearly rotten fruit and vegetables
  • some huge old furniture
  • some old curtains
  • stuff belonging to your son, who moved out ten years ago
  • carpets
  • a kennel (and no dog)
  • the old toys of your grown-up children
  • some old-fashioned audio equipment
  • 300 records
  • 25 jars of baby food
  • (your own ideas)

When you run out of ideas or when your teacher tells you to, look at the list of verbs under the fold to help your discussion.  

-------------------------------fold, cover or cut---------------------------------


Suggested verbs

  • ask/ tell
  • bring (to our new house)
  • charge
  • feed
  • give (for free)
  • leave (for the new people moving in)
  • lend
  • offer
  • pay
  • save
  • sell
  • send
  • show (and hope…)


-------------------------------fold, cover or cut---------------------------------

Verbs with two objects grammar presentation

Without looking above, brainstorm verbs that can be followed by more than one object (“give” in “give someone something”, etc). Then compare with the list above. Many more answers are possible, so please check with your teacher if you have written different verbs.

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