Used to, be used to and get used to sentence completion games


Used to for past habits and being accustomed practice through three fun games and typical used to sentences to complete, including finding experiences that students share, a guessing game, and a lying game.

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Used to, be used to and get used to sentence completion games


Used to, be used to and get used to sentence completion guessing game

Fill in at least half of the sentences on the next page. Choose one that you have completed and read out just the part which you have written (not the sentence stem which was already there), and see if your partner can guess which sentence you completed with that information.

Useful language for playing the guessing game

“No, that’s not true because…”

“No, that’s not possible (grammatically) because…”

“No, that doesn’t make sense because…”

“That is also true, but it isn’t the sentence I wrote. Try again.”

Ask about any sentences which you couldn’t use, couldn’t understand the differences between, etc. Then change partner and play one of the games below.


Used to, be used to and get used to sentence completion bluffing game

Choose one of the sentences for your partner to complete, listen to their sentence, ask for more details, then guess if the sentence is true or not.


Used to, be used to and get used to things in common sentence completion game

Try to make sentences using the sentence stems which are also true for your partner(s).


Used to, be used to and get used to sentences to complete


For me, the most difficult thing about living abroad would be getting used to ________.


I’ll never get used to ________________________________________________.


I’ve gradually got used to _____________________________________________.


It didn’t take me long to get used to ___________________________________.


It took me years to get used to ________________________________________.


It was really easy to get used to ________________________________________.


It would take me weeks to get used to __________________________________.


I used to _________________________________________________ a long time ago.


I used to ______________________ almost every day (but now I do it less often).


I thought that I would never get used to _____________________ but eventually I did.


I wish that I could get used to ________________________________ (but I can’t).


I nearly got used to ___________________________________, but I never quite did.


I might get used to __________________________________, but I probably won’t.


I’ve almost got used to ____________________________________ (but not totally).


I didn’t use to _____________________________ but someone recommended it to me.


I didn’t use to ________________________________________ as much as I do now.


I used to occasionally _________________________________ but now I never do.


I’m used to someone _____________ for me, so it’s a pain to have to do it for myself.


If I had to ____________________________________, I would never get used to it.


I’m too used to _____________, so I’d have difficulty getting used to anything different.


I didn’t use to _____________________________________________ until recently.


I used to ______________________________________________ when I was little.

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