Travel Situations Email and Telephone Roleplays


Distance communications related to travel speaking, with useful travel collocations and functional language phrases brainstorming.

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Travel situations email and telephone roleplays

Choose one of the situations below and decide if you will communicate by email or telephone. Roleplay the whole email exchange or telephone exchange with your partner until you reach an okay conclusion (just saying what you would write in an email, not writing anything). Roleplay the whole communication each time (from opening greetings, etc).

  • Ask a hotel about late checkout when you stay there next week.
  • Ask a hotel for information about its business facilities.
  • Ask a travel agency for information about the transport connection from various hotels to downtown and the business district.
  • Ask a travel agent for information about the sports facilities of two hotels near the airport before you decide which one to book.
  • Ask for information from an airline about use of technology on the plane that you are flying on next week.
  • Ask for permission to use the company limousine and driver to pick up a guest from the airport.
  • Ask the finance department for permission to book a more expensive direct flight rather than a cheaper connecting flight.
  • Ask your boss’s permission to travel business class.
  • Change your hotel booking from a double room to one twin room and one single room.
  • Give all staff instructions on the rules on when, how and why they are allowed to book business class tickets.
  • Make a complaint about missing check-in luggage.
  • Make a complaint about your flight last night to the travel agent who booked it.
  • Make a complaint to the hotel that you stayed in last week.
  • Make a request to the airline for a vegetarian meal when you fly next week.
  • Make an arrangement to meet in the station before you catch the bullet train with your coworker.
  • Make an arrangement to meet the other person at their office while you are in New York for a trade fair.
  • Request Monday off after you fly to Southeast Asia for business so you can see the place before you fly home.
  • You are both flying around Asia all next month and want to make an arrangement to meet when you are in the same city.
  • You are travelling to the other person’s hometown for the first time. Ask them for information about travelling there and travelling around when you get there.
  • You have heard that it is the other person’s anniversary. Offer them use of your yacht.
  • You have heard that the other person is coming to your city for three days. Invite them out for dinner.
  • You have heard that the other person is travelling to the same city as you. Offer them a seat in your car.

Ask about anything above which you don’t understand, working together to think of suitable related emails each time.


Travel vocabulary brainstorming

Without looking above for now, brainstorm words that go together with these words:

































make a/ an











Compare with the last page. Note that many more answers are possible.

Functional language brainstorming

Brainstorm suitable language for doing the things above into these categories, writing both formal and informal phrases if you can.

Asking for information





Asking for permission





Commands/ Instructions/ Rules





Making complaints





Making requests





Making arrangements















Compare as a class or with lists of phrases.

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