Too and Enough- Discuss and Agree


Too, too much, too many, enough and not enough practice through sentences to complete together with your opinions, the freer discussion topics.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Quantifiers
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Lesson Plan Content:

Too and enough discuss and agree

In small groups, try to fill the gaps below with things that you can agree on, leaving them blank if you don’t have the same opinions.

The government should do something about too _____________________________


The government should do something about not enough ________________________/ about ___________________________ not being ______________________ enough


________________________ too __________________________ in some places but not _________________________________ in other places.


_________________________________ is too _________________________________ to solve (without _______________________/ unless ________________________).


__________________________________________________________ too expensive.


_______________________________________________________ not strict enough.


____________________________________________________________ too difficult.


__________________________ too late ____________________________________.


__________________________ is old enough for/ to __________________________.


___________________________ is accessible enough (to/ for __________________).


________________________ is too hot ______________________________________.


Most companies ____________________ too _________________________________.


Most people _________________________ enough ___________________________.


Share one statement you agreed on and see if other groups agree.

Ask about anything above you couldn’t complete, are not sure you completed correctly, etc, working together to make suitable statements each time.

Change groups. Without looking above, try to agree on a number or amount that matches each topic below, writing down any that you agree:

  • big enough benefits for people who are unemployed
  • enough children in this country
  • enough salary to survive in this city
  • too long in politics/ too long as prime minister
  • too many people on a bicycle
  • too much global warming
  • too much overtime
  • too much packaging
  • too old judges

Share one number/ amount you agreed on and see if other groups agree.  

Discuss the right level for topics below, writing down any ranges you agree on:

  • age of politicians
  • calories per day
  • class sizes in schools
  • exercise per day
  • fruit and vegetables
  • funding for the military
  • government debt
  • government pensions
  • homework
  • immigration
  • length of school lessons
  • length of time between changing mobile phones
  • length of training for a teacher/ qualifications for a teacher
  • number of children
  • number of watts for a living room lightbulb
  • population
  • retirement age
  • school hours
  • sleep
  • taxation (income tax, corporation tax, etc)
  • term limits for politicians
  • time working from home/ time telecommuting
  • training for a nurse/ qualifications for a nurse

Share one range you agreed on and see if other groups agree.

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