TOEIC- Present Simple and Continuous Needs Analysis and Presentation


A good first class for Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate level classes, in which students ask each other needs analysis/ gettting to know you questions in present tenses, try to remember those questions, then analyse the grammar.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Present Simple and Continuous needs analysis and presentation

Ask your partner questions to fill the gaps below.

Your partner’s name:






Work (in detail)












Use of English at work









Use of English outside work (travel, friends, hobbies, etc)





Language learning (in class and/ or self-study)





Language exams










Ask any questions below which you haven’t yet to write more things above.


  • What are you working on at the moment?
  • What company/ division/ department/ section/ team do you work for?
  • What do you do?
  • What does your company/ division/ department/ section/ team do?
  • What kind of company do you work for?
  • Who do you work for?


English at work

  • Are you in the middle of writing anything in English now?
  • Do you ever make English phone calls?
  • Do you find it difficult to write in English?
  • Do you have problems with teleconferences in English?
  • Do you normally use automatic translation (= computer translation)?
  • Do you often write in English?
  • How many English emails are probably waiting for you right now?
  • What do you find difficult about English language meetings?
  • As we speak, are you thinking in English?


English outside work

  • Are you currently following any English language dramas?
  • Do you usually watch movies with English subtitles, with Japanese subtitles or with no subtitles?
  • How often do you socialise with English speakers?


Language learning

  • Are you taking any other English classes now?
  • Do you study on the train on the way home in the evening?
  • Do you listen to anything in English?
  • Do you listen to NHK English radio in the morning?
  • How do you learn vocabulary?
  • How much English study do you typically do?
  • Is your English improving?
  • What new English language apps are you using?
  • What do you do to improve your listening skills?
  • What skills are you particularly trying to improve?


Language exams

  • Are you presently studying for any English language exams?
  • Is your TOEIC score getting better?


Ask about any questions above which you don’t understand, couldn’t answer, etc, answering those questions once you understand them. Then ask similar questions using the underlined parts above.  

Without looking above for now, fill the gaps below with the correct present tense from your memory or grammar knowledge. If there is no Wh- question word, it should be just a “Yes/ No” question.


  • What ____________________________________ (you work on) at the moment?
  • What company/ division/ department/ section/ team _______________ (you work) for?
  • What _____________________________________________________ (you do)?
  • What _______________ (your company/ division/ department/ section/ team do)?
  • What kind of company _________________________________ (you work) for?
  • Who _________________________________________________ (you work) for?


English at work

  • _______________________ (you in the middle of write) anything in English now?
  • ____________________________________ (you ever make) English phone calls?
  • _________________________________ (you find) it difficult to write in English?
  • ______________________ (you have problems) with teleconferences in English?
  • _______________________________ (you normally use) automatic translation?
  • ___________________________________________(you often write) in English?
  • How many English emails __________________ (probably wait) for you right now?
  • What ____________ (you find difficult) difficult about English language meetings?
  • As we speak, ____________________________________ (you think) in English?


English outside work

  • ______________________ (you currently follow) any English language dramas?
  • ___________________________________________________ (you usually watch) movies with English subtitles, with Japanese subtitles or with no subtitles?
  • How often _________________________ (you socialise) with English speakers?


Language learning

  • ________________________________ (you take) any other English classes now?
  • __________________ (you study) on the train on the way home in the evening?
  • ____________________________________ (you listen) to anything in English?
  • ___________________________ (you listen) to NHK English radio in the morning?
  • How ___________________________________________ (you learn) vocabulary?
  • How much English study ______________________________ (you typically do)?
  • _______________________________________________ (your English improve)?
  • What new English language apps ______________________________ (you use)?
  • What ____________________________ (you do) to improve your listening skills?
  • What skills _____________________________ (you particularly try) to improve?


Language exams

  • ______________________ (you presently study) for any English language exams?
  • _________________________________________ (your TOEIC score get better)?


Check your answers with the previous page, asking your teacher if you are not sure why one of the two options is wrong.

Again without looking above for now, fill the table below with time expressions which often go with one of the two tenses.

Time expressions which often go with Present Simple (“Do you…?” etc)

Time expressions that often go with Present Continuous (“Are you …ing …?” etc)


























































Check above, then see if you can add similar expressions.

Add the expressions below to the two columns above.

  • almost always
  • almost never
  • always
  • every day
  • generally
  • halfway through
  • never
  • on Sundays
  • once a month
  • sometimes
  • temporarily
  • this week
  • three times a year
  • today
  • twice a week


-----------------------fold, cover or cut----------------------------


Suggested answers

Bold = ones in the original questions. Not bold = the list above. Many more answers are possibly (especially with Present Simple), so check any extra ones you wrote.

Time expressions which often go with Present Simple (“Do you…?” etc)

Time expressions which go with Present Continuous (“Are you… ing?” etc)





How often

in the evening

in the morning


almost always

almost never


every day



on Sundays

once a month


three times a year

twice a week

at the moment

in the middle of

right now

as we speak




halfway through


this week



Use those key words to help discuss the meanings of and differences between the Present Simple tense and the Present Continuous tense.


Change groups. Use the key words above to find things in common with your new partner.

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