Time of Day Trivia Quiz


Pairwork general knowledge quiz with interesting questions on times when particular things happen, including extra hints like "A little earlier" and optional controlled practice of twelve and twenty four hour clock times.

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Time of day trivia quiz

Student A

Choose one of the questions on your page and ask it to your partner. If their guess is wrong, give hints like “Much later” and “A little earlier” until they get exactly the right time.

Useful language for giving hints

(The real time is/ It’s) much/ far/ quite a lot/ a little/ a bit + earlier/ later (than that)

  • What time did nineteenth century French writer Balzac wake up? One o’clock in the morning/ One a.m.
  • What time does Japanese writer Haruki Murakami start work? 4 a.m./ Four o’clock in the morning.
  • What time does the McDonald’s breakfast menu start (in 24-hour restaurants)? Five o’clock in the morning./ Five a.m.
  • World War One ended on the eleventh of November. What time did it end? Eleven o’clock in the morning./ Eleven am.
  • What time is eternal according to the dance group The KLF? Three a.m./ Three o’clock in the morning.
  • It’s midday/ twelve p.m. in Brazil. What time is it in Japan? Midnight./ Twelve o’clock in the morning./ Twelve a.m.
  • It’s five o’clock in the morning GMT in London. What time is it in India? Half past ten in the morning./ Ten thirty a.m.
  • What time does morning rush hour start in Paddington Station, London? Half past six in the morning./ Six thirty a.m.
  • It’s seven thirty five in the evening in London. What time will Big Ben next make a sound? A quarter to eight in the evening./ Seven forty five p.m.
  • It’s midnight GMT in London. What time is it in Kathmandu, Nepal? Quarter to six in the morning./ Five forty five a.m.
  • It’s ten past eleven in the morning in California, on the west coast of the USA. What time is it in New York, on the east coast? Ten past two in the afternoon./ Two ten p.m.
  • What time does a test cricket match’s tea break usually start? Twenty to two in the afternoon./ One forty p.m.
  • It’s twenty five to seven in the evening in China. What time is it just over the border in Afghanistan? Five past eleven in the evening./ Eleven oh five p.m.
  • What time did the attack on Pearl Harbour start? Five to eight in the morning./ Seven fifty five a.m.
  • The first high tide in Tokyo was at twenty two minutes past three in the morning. What time was the second high tide? Six minutes past three in the afternoon./ Three oh six p.m.
  • What time was dawn in Tokyo on Friday 27 November 2020? One minute past six in the morning./ Six oh one a.m.
  • The silent Poppy Day remembrance starts at 11 o’clock on the 11th of November in the UK every year. What times does it end? Two minutes past eleven./ Eleven oh two.
  • Light leaves the sun at half past twelve. What time will it come here? Twenty two minutes to one./ Twelve thirty eight.

Ask about sentences you don’t understand, then test each other on pronunciation of the times by writing one of the times in the 24-hour clock and seeing if your partner can pronounce it correctly (in two different ways if they can).


Student B

Choose one of the questions on your page and ask it to your partner. If their guess is wrong, give hints like “Much later” and “A little earlier” until they get exactly the right time.

Useful language for giving hints

(The real time is/ It’s) much/ far/ quite a lot/ a little/ a bit + earlier/ later (than that)

  • What time did Spanish artist Pablo Picasso go to sleep? 3 a.m./ Three o’clock in the morning.
  • Czech writer Franz Kafka took a nap from 3p.m. every day. What time did his nap finish? Seven p.m./ Seven o’clock in the evening.
  • What time does the day begin on Wednesday according to the Beatles song She’s Leaving Home? Five o’clock in the morning./ Five a.m.
  • What time does the McDonald’s breakfast menu end? Eleven o’clock in the morning./ Eleven a.m.
  • It’s seven o’clock in the morning in Xinjiang in the west of China. What time is it in Shanghai in east China? Seven o’clock in the morning./ Seven a.m.
  • What time is it at the oasis, according to Maria Muldaur and The Brand New Heavies? Midnight./ Twelve o’clock in the morning./ Twelve a.m.
  • What time did the 2020 English football Cup final kick off? Half past five in the evening./ Five thirty p.m.
  • JFK arrived in Dallas at twenty two minutes to twelve in the morning/ eleven thirty eight a.m. What time was JFK shot? Half past twelve in the afternoon./ Twelve thirty p.m.
  • It’s ten past three in the afternoon in London, England. What time will Big Ben next chime? Quarter past three in the afternoon./ Three fifteen p.m.
  • Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon at four minutes to eleven in the evening (EDT). What time did Buzz Aldrin step on the moon? Quarter past eleven in the evening./ Eleven fifteen p.m.
  • The Titanic hit the iceberg at ten to twelve in the evening/ eleven fifty p.m. What time did it sink? Twenty past two in the morning./ Two twenty a.m.
  • What time are all Miss Havisham’s clocks stopped at in the book Great Expectations by Charles Dickens? Twenty to nine./ Eight forty.
  • It’s five past four in the morning GMT in London, England. What time is it on the International Space Station? Five past four in the morning./ Four oh five a.m.
  • It’s five to midnight in Pakistan. What time is it just over the border in China? Five to three in the morning./ Two fifty five a.m.
  • What time did the Hiroshima atom bomb explode? Sixteen minutes past eight in the morning./ Eight sixteen p.m.
  • The first plane hit the World Trade Centre in New York at fourteen minutes to nine in the morning on September the eleventh two thousand and one. What time did the second plane hit? Two minutes past nine in the morning./ Nine oh two a.m.
  • The first low tide in Tokyo was at three minutes past nine in the morning. What time was the second low tide? Twenty three minutes to ten in the evening./ Nine thirty seven p.m.

Ask about sentences you don’t understand, then test each other on pronunciation of the times by writing one of the times in the 24-hour clock and seeing if your partner can pronounce it correctly (in two different ways if they can).

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