Subject questions about this class


Three easy and fun subject question games based on the classroom and the students in it.

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Subject questions about this class


Subject questions about classroom objects

Take two similar things from two different people in the class, hide them, then test other people on the differences between them with questions like “Whose is longer?”, “Which is red?” and “Which one has more writing?” The people whose objects they are can only answer after other people do.

Suggested topics to ask about

  • age
  • colours
  • materials
  • shape
  • size


Subject questions about your classmates

Ask a question about someone in the class which you already know the answer to such as:

  • Who has a pet rabbit?
  • Who last fed the class pet?
  • Which student lives on Brown Road?
  • Which of our classmates supports Leicester City?
  • Whose family name ends with P?
  • Whose family name is seven letters long?

You get one point if someone else guesses wrongly, but only if you and the person who the question is about both know the answer. You get no points if someone else knows or can guess correctly, and you get no points if you and/ or the person who you are asking about can’t answer correctly.


Challenge your classmates with subject questions

Ask a question about the different abilities of people in the class such as:

  • Who knows the most names of Santa’s reindeer?
  • Who can sing the ABC song most quickly?
  • Whose voice is the loudest?
  • Which of you can jump the highest?

Pick two people from the class to try, make predictions about who will show more ability. Then let them try to check if your idea was correct or not.

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