Some and Any- things in common speaking


Personalised oral practice of some and any by students trying to make sentences that are true for both/ all of them from typical sentence stems, with easy and more tricky uses of some and any.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: General
Study Area: Quantifiers
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Lesson Plan Content:

Some and any things in common speaking

Share personal information with your partner and ask them to questions to fill as many gaps below as you can with information which is true about both of you. Your teacher will tell you if you should use only the top section (basic meanings/ uses) or if you should use both sections.


Basic meanings/ uses – some for statements and any for questions and negatives

I have some _________________________ but my partner doesn’t have any.

I don’t have any ___________________________ but my partner has some.

I have some ____________________________ but my partner only has one.

My partner has a lot of ___________________________ but I only have some.

We both have some _____________________________________________.

We both have a lot of ____________________ but want to get rid of some.

We both want some _____________________________ but don’t have any.

We both want some ___________________________ but only have one now.

Neither of us have any ___________________________________________.

Neither of us need any ___________________________ but we have some.

We used to have some ____________________________ but we don’t now.


Other meanings/ uses

We don’t want some ________________________s, but one would be okay.

We don’t want some ________________________, but a little would be okay.

Some ___________________________ is not enough for us, we need a lot.

On a hot day, any _______________________________ at all is good for us.

We’d like to find some place where we can ___________________________.

Ask about sentences which you couldn’t complete and see if other groups have written something that is also true for you.

Change partner. Find more things in common with “some” and “any”, but this time without looking above. Then do the same, but flipping a coin to see if the next sentence should be with “some” (heads) or “any” (tails).

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