Social English rotating revision board game


Fun review of all necessary language for English for social purposes, with students progressing around a board by how well they interact.

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Social English rotating revision board game


Good things to say when you are dining together.

Directions to different places that your partner understands.

Different interesting things in/ about/ near this building.

Interesting facts about your firm/ section/ department.


Good things to say the first time you meet someone.

Good things to say related to names.


Put a counter (e.g. an eraser) on the first square, or write your name there. 

Do the challenge of the square you are on. Your partner will respond to what you say (e.g. answer the small talk question), then discuss if what you said was a good choice to do that thing or not. Continue doing that challenge until your partner thinks that the last thing you said was a bad choice or until you have done it correctly 6 times. Move clockwise the number of squares of your good attempts, e.g. 4 squares if the 5th thing that you said was not good. The winner is the person who has moved most around the board when your teacher stops the game.


-       You must stop your turn the first time that you make a mistake (including staying on the same square if the first attempt is bad)

-       You can’t move more than 6 squares each time

-       If you land on a square someone has already done, you can copy what was said before if you like (although some things may get different reactions).


Useful language for playing the game

“That sounds right.”/ “I think that’s okay.”

“I don’t think that is a good thing to say (in this situation) because…”

“How many points (did I get)?”

“You can move zero/ one/ two/ … square(s).”

“It’s my turn.”/ “It’s your turn.”

Good meeting for the 1st time small talk questions.


Good things to say about business cards.

Good small talk questions with someone who you know well.


Invitations your partner would really react positively to.

“How” questions that get different answers from your partner.


Recommendations your partner accepts.

Good small talk questions at the start of meetings.


Good ways to end a conversation.

Smoothly ending chatting phrases.


Good small talk questions for Wednesdays.

Good small talk questions at the end of meetings.


Good small talk questions for Monday morning.

Different ways of responding to good news.


Good small talk questions for Friday evening.

Different ways of responding to bad news.


Good things to say if you meet someone at the airport.

Good things to say when you meet again after a long time.


Good small talk questions starting with “How”.

Good things to say the 2nd time you meet.


Good small talk questions about the future.

Things to say when you meet accidentally.

Good small talk questions with colleagues.

(Light) small talk questions about work.


Good small talk questions about travel/ journeys.





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