Silent Letters- Secret Message Code Game


A fun silent letters puzzle in which students identify which letters are not pronounced and put those letters together to reveal hidden messages, with versions at five different levels.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Silent letters secret message code game

Look at the section or sections below that your teacher tells you to. Underline the one silent letter in each word, write those letters in the same order, split them into words (e.g. “HAVEANICEDAY” into “Have a nice day”), then tell your teacher what the message is.

Level 1

cupboard                        biscuit                ballet                                business

autumn               hour                                 build                                 buffet                 island


Level 2

bomb                 guarantee                       aisle                                 castle

foreign                             guard                 listen                                isle


Level 3

acquaintance   artistically                        cabaret                            fascinated

exhausted                        wrist                                 wheel                 parliament

scene                vehicle               muscle                            honour

business                         scissors                           knock


Level 4

wrinkle                             leopard                            wrestle               wholly

exhilarated                      physically                        beret                                 critically

coup                                guardian                          condemn                         acquire



Level 5

cachet               jeopardy                          catacomb                        ethically

abscess                          acquit                               leopard               apropos

bristle                parliament                      gnaw                                knuckle                            ascend


Try to find patterns in which letters are silent, where they are silent, which letters they are usually silent before or after, etc. Then make hidden messages with the same or other words with silent letters for other groups to solve.


--------------------------------fold, cover or cut-------------------------------


If you need to, use the hints below to help you split it into words.

Level 1 hint ___ ____ ____       ____ ____      ____ ____ ____ ____

Level 2 hint ___ ___ ___ ____     ___ ___ ____ ____!

Level 3 hint ___ ___ ___ ___ ____    ___ ___ ___ ____ ___    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___?

Level 4 hint ___ ___ ___      ___ ___ ___ ___    ___    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___?

Level 5 hint ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___         ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___!


--------------------------------fold, cover or cut-------------------------------



Level 1 answer: Put in huts

Level 2 answer: Bust guts!

Level 3 answer: Catch which chick?

Level 4 answer: Wow, what a punch!

Level 5 answer: Tobacco stinks!

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