Silent Letters- Odd One Out Game


Words with silent letters things in common and differences activity, including similar silent and pronounced letters.

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Silent letters odd one out game

Listen to your partner or teacher read out three words and repeat back the one which is different, explaining why it’s different if you can. If you are not sure which one is different, just guess. There are many different reasons, but they are all connected to silent letters.

Circle the one odd one out in each group below, then check as a class.

Try to find patterns in the examples about which letters are silent and why (because of their position, combinations with other letters, etc). 

Play the same spotting the odd one out game in groups, taking turns reading out the examples. Make sure that you don’t pronounce the silent letters when it’s your turn to read them out.

Underline the silent letter in each word below and then try to think of one more example that has the same silent letter, if possible for the same reason.


plumber/ debt

acquit/ miscellaneous


vehicle/ ghastly/ heirloom/ rhino/ when






Christmas/ chalet/ castle/ moisten




Check below, brainstorm or search for more, then compare your other ideas as a class. 

aqua                                 acquire                             acquit

aquarium                         acquaintance                  aqueduct

aisle                                  I’ll                                      isle

artistically                        physically                        softly

answer               sword                               sweet

ascend               assessment                     asset

ballet                                cadet                                bidet

build                                 bimbo                               bingo

blister                               Christmas                        twister

bomber               lumber                plumber

broom                               tomb                                 womb

buffet                                café                                   resumé

cabaret               chalet                               minaret

campaign                         complain                          champagne

castle                                hassle                              whistle

climber               combed                            member

column               condemn                          random

come                                dumb                                glum

cyclone              psychiatrist                      psychology

debt                                  don’t                                 doubt

diehard               vehicle               yoghurt

exhausted                        exhibition                         exile

fasten                               moisten              tungsten

ghastly               garden                ghost

guardian                          guarantee                        guava

heir                                   heirloom                           heritage

honest                honour                onwards

hustle                               measles                           wrestle

iron                                   ironic                                ironing

knee                                 kneel                                neat

knife                                  knitting               nibble

knock                                know                                 now

lamb                                 lemon                               limb

lessen                              listen                                 loosen

logically                           totally                                usually

misc.                                 miscellaneous                   musk

muscle               scissors                            skipping

musically                         quickly                slowly

neutral                pneumatic                        pneumonia

rain                                   rhino                                 rhyme

receipt                receptionist                      reception

sachet                              sherbet               sorbet

scene                               scent                                 sceptic

when                                where                               who

wrap                                 rep                                    wrong

rope                                  wrestle               wrist

Suggested answers

aqua                                 acquire               acquit

aquarium                         acquaintance  aqueduct

aisle                                  I’ll                                      isle

artistically                        physically                        softly

answer               sword                               sweet

ascend              assessment                     asset

ballet                                cadet                                bidet

build                                 bimbo                               bingo

blister                               Christmas                       twister

bomber               lumber               plumber

broom                tomb                                 womb

buffet                               café                                   resumé

cabaret               chalet                               minaret

campaign                         complain                         champagne

castle                                hassle                whistle

climber               combed                            member

column               condemn                          random

come                                dumb                               glum

cyclone                           psychiatrist                      psychology

debt                                  don’t                                doubt

diehard                            vehicle               yoghurt

exhausted                        exhibition                         exile

fasten                               moisten              tungsten

ghastly               garden               ghost

guardian                          guarantee                        guava

heir                                   heirloom                           heritage

honest                honour                onwards

hustle                               measles                          wrestle

iron                                   ironic                               ironing

knee                                 kneel                                neat

knife                                  knitting               nibble

knock                                know                                 now

lamb                                 lemon                              limb

lessen                              listen                                loosen

logically                          totally                                usually

misc.                                 miscellaneous             musk

muscle               scissors                            skipping

musically                        quickly                slowly

neutral               pneumatic                        pneumonia

rain                                   rhino                                 rhyme

receipt               receptionist                      reception

sachet                              sherbet                            sorbet

scene                               scent                                 sceptic

when                                where                               who

wrap                                 rep                                    wrong

rope                                 wrestle               wrist

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