Silent letters in Financial English


Letters which are not pronounced in words and expressions connected to finance, good for Financial English and other Business English pronunciation.

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Silent letters in Financial English

One word on each line of the list below is spelt as it is pronounced and so has a silent letter missing. Write the correct spelling of that word next to each line below.

asend to an all-time high


avrage salary


bilding society/ savings and loan


busness meeting


profits are climing


corprate restructuring


goverment debt


detors and creditors


financial disipline


forein exchange


garanteed income


precious eirloom


levraged buyout


ourly rate


intrest rates


monetry union


morgage payments


keep the receit


sin a contract


succum to market forces


underwelming performance


white night investor


holesale trade


holly tax-deductible


Check with the version on the next page.

Mark the silent letters on the words of the list below.

  • ascend to an all-time high
  • average salary
  • building society/ savings and loan
  • business meeting
  • profits are climbing
  • corporate restructuring
  • government debt
  • debtors and creditors
  • financial discipline
  • foreign exchange
  • guaranteed income
  • precious heirloom
  • hourly rate
  • interest rates
  • leveraged buyout
  • monetary union
  • mortgage payments
  • keep the receipt
  • sign a contract
  • succumb to market forces
  • underwhelming performance
  • white knight investor
  • wholesale trade
  • wholly tax-deductible

Check on the first page above, then practise saying them the right way. 

Test each other on the above below:

  • Say a word with or without the silent letter pronounced and see if your partner can say if it is pronounced correctly or not
  • Say a word with the silent letter pronounced and see if your partner can correct you
  • Spell a word and see if your partner can say how to pronounce it and/ or which letter is silent
  • Say a word (with the correct pronunciation) and see if your partner can spell it

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