Shopping Language Mimes


TPR practice of phrases for shoppers and shop assistants, starting with a guessing game and then students testing each other on the language.

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Lesson Plan Content:

Shopping language mimes

Choose a line below and do an action that goes with that/ has that meaning (without speaking, but with sounds if needed). Can your partner guess which line you’re miming?

Useful language for playing the games

“That’s nearly right.”

“That’s not what I meant. (I’ll do the action again).”

“I’m not sure. Can you do the action again?”

“I think I know, but I can’t think of how to say it in English. Just a moment while I look in my dictionary/ notes.”

Starting the conversation

  • Excuse me./ Sorry to disturb you. (Can I help you?/ Do you need any help?/ Can you help me?/ Do you work here?)

Finding the right thing

  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a hat./ Do you have/ sell hats?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a pair of jeans/ some jeans/ a pair of trousers/ some trousers/ a pair of pants/ some pants./ Do you have/ sell jeans/ pants/ trousers?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a (business/ dress) shirt./ Do you have/ sell shirts?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a bra./ Do you have/ sell bras?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a skirt./ Do you have/ sell skirts?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a (wedding/ engagement) ring.
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a (winter/ woollen) scarf.
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a headscarf/ a silk scarf.
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy some socks./ Do you have/ sell socks?
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy some (sun)glasses.
  • I’m looking for/ I need/ I’d like to buy a tie./ Do you have/ sell ties?
  • What size do you wear?/ What size would you like?/ We have small, medium or large.
  • How about this one?/ How about these?/ How about these ones?/ We (also) have those ones over there.
  • (It’s a bit…) (Do you have anything else?)
  • Would you like to try it on?/ Can I try it on?
  • Please take a seat (here) (and I’ll get one/ some for you).
  • Just a moment/ a minute/ a second/ a mo’/ a sec’ (I’ll… for you/ while I…)
  • Here you are.
  • It’s a little big./ It’s a bit too big/ It’s a little bit too big./ It’s much too big.
  • Do you have it in a smaller size?/ Do you have a smaller one?
  • It’s perfect. (I’ll take it).
  • (Can I help you with/ Do you need) anything else?
  • Actually, there is just one more thing. (Do you have…?)
  • (No). That’s all (for now), thanks.
  • Would you like it wrapped?/ Can you wrap it (for me)?


  • Can I pay by credit card?
  • Please sign here.
  • Here’s your change.

Ending the conversation

  • (Have a good day)./ Bye. (Please come again).

Go through the whole list together, brainstorming suitable actions for each one. Then check as a class.  

Test each other on the actions and phrases, with only one person looking at the worksheet:

  • Read out a phrase and see if your partner can do the action
  • Do an action and say part of a phrase and see if your partner can finish the phrase
  • Do an action and see if your partner can say one of the phrases with that action
  • Do an action and say a phrase and see if your partner can say another phrase with the same meaning and action (with even small changes also okay)
  • Read out a heading and help your partner make suitable phrases (perhaps with actions)


Brainstorming stage

Without looking above, brainstorm at least two suitable phrases into each of the gaps below.

Starting the conversation






Finding the right thing



















Ending the conversation






Check your answers above, the first time with your pens down and memorising the phrases. Other answers are possible, so please check anything else that you have written with your teacher. Then test each other in the ways written above again.

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