School Vocabulary- Things in Common


Personalised oral practice of basic education vocabulary by students finding experiences and feelings that they share, with school vocabulary short forms, affixes, collocations and antonyms.

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Lesson Plan Content:

School vocabulary things in common

Make statements about topics and/ or using words from the list below, and see which things are true for your partner/ teacher too (making them say “Me too”, “Me neither”, etc).

Ask about any vocabulary below which you don’t understand, trying to make a true personal statement (including negative statements if you like) each time.

Change partners and make questions about the vocabulary below.

Suggested questions

Did you ever study…?/ Have you ever studied…?

Did you ever…?/ Have you ever…?

Did you like…?/ Do you like…?

Did you study…?/ Do you study…?

Do you think that… is useful/ interesting/ boring/…?

How did you feel about…?/ How do you feel about…?

What did you think about…?/ What do you think about…?

What is/ was the best thing about your classroom?

What is your favourite subject?/ What was your favourite subject?

Who is/ was your favourite teacher?/ (What subject do/ did they teach?)


School vocabulary collocations

Join words in the same section to make expressions connected to school:

  1. dining                 economics
  2. class                    hall                    
  3. cram                   languages        
  4. hard- pet/            -room        
  5. home                  principal
  6. (deputy) head      -room teacher/-work
  7. vice                    school
  8. home                  teacher
  9. modern/ foreign   working


  1. media               behaved
  2. music               centre
  3. badly-/ well-               class/ school
  4. physical               day                    
  5. school               education         
  6. skip               lunch
  7. social/ religious/ business               room    
  8. sports               room
  9. staff               studies

Check with the vocabulary list. Other collocations may be possible, so please check if you joined them in different ways.

School vocabulary to find things in common then ask question about

  • art (and crafts)
  • assembly
  • bully(ing)
  • cafeteria/ canteen/ dining hall/ school lunch
  • cheating
  • class pet
  • classroom
  • club/ society
  • confident – nervous
  • cram school
  • dance
  • drama/ a play
  • elementary school/ primary school
  • funny – serious
  • gym/ gymnasium
  • hard-working/ studious – lazy
  • HE/ home economics
  • head of…
  • (deputy) head teacher/ (vice) principal
  • (junior) high school/ secondary school
  • homeroom teacher/ tutor
  • homework/ assignment
  • information technology/ IT
  • lab/ laboratory
  • (modern/ foreign) languages (French, Chinese, Korean, German)
  • library/ media centre
  • mathematics/ math/ maths
  • music (room)
  • naughty/ badly-behaved – well-behaved
  • nursery school/ kindergarten/ pre-school
  • pass – fail
  • PE/ physical education/ sports day
  • pond
  • punishment – reward
  • receptionist
  • science (biology, physics and chemistry)
  • skip (class/ school)
  • social studies/ humanities (history, geography, ethics/ religious studies, business studies/ economics)
  • staff room
  • stress/ stressful/ stressed
  • strict – relaxed
  • (PE) teacher
  • test/ quiz/ examination/ exam

School vocabulary abbreviations

Write short versions of each of the expressions here:

  • gymnasium
  • home economics
  • information technology
  • laboratory
  • mathematics
  • physical education
  • religious education/ religious studies
  • examination

Use the mixed answers under the fold below to help.

---------------------------------fold, cover or cut-----------------------------------









Without looking above the fold, make the abbreviations above longer.


School vocabulary opposites

First with no help, try to think of an opposite for each word here:

  • confident  
  • funny  
  • hard-working/ studious
  • naughty/ badly-behaved
  • pass
  • punishment
  • strict

Use the list of vocabulary above and/ or the mixed answers below to help.

------------------------------------fold, cover or cut---------------------------------


  • fail
  • lazy
  • nervous
  • relaxed
  • reward
  • serious
  • well-…

School vocabulary word formation

Write at least one more version of each word below (e.g. a noun if it is a verb).

  • assemble
  • confidence
  • study
  • laze
  • economy
  • assign
  • behaviour
  • educate
  • punish
  • reception
  • biologist
  • physicist
  • chemist
  • historian
  • geographer
  • ethical
  • religion
  • stress
  • relax
  • examine

-----------------------------------fold, cover or cut-----------------------------------

Use the suffixes below to help with the task above. Some can be used more than once.

  • -ation
  • -ed
  • -ful
  • -ics
  • -ion
  • -ious
  • -ist
  • -ment
  • -ry
  • -s
  • -t
  • -y

Check above. Many other versions are possible, so please check if you wrote something different.


School vocabulary brainstorming

Without looking above for now, brainstorm as many examples as you can of each category below. Many words not above are also possible.

Kinds of school/ Types of school







School subjects/ Things that you study in school







Other things that people do in schools







Places in a school







People in a school







Adjectives to describe school (places, subjects, teachers, students, etc)







Look at the list of vocabulary above to help, brainstorm more, then compare as a class.

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