Sc spelling and pronunciation activities


Sc with pronounced C and silent C practice, starting with a quick reactions game, with contrasts to words with SK and S, homophones, and silent letters.

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Sc spelling and pronunciation activities


Words with sc and not simplest responses game

Without looking below, listen to your teacher or a classmate and race to hold up your hand if you think there is SC together in the word. Don’t raise your hand if there is just S, SK, S and C with other letters in between, etc. You get five points if you are the first to raise your hand when the word contains “SC” together, but everyone who raises their hands when there isn’t “S+C” together in the word loses one point. If you aren’t sure, ask for an example sentence or just wait for the next example.


Words with and without for the teacher or other students to read out

Level 1

skateboard                      skating               scared                scary                   school 

ski                                     skill                                   scissors                            skis                     score                  sky

Level 2

biscuit                               scales                               skills                                 scan

skate                                 scooter               scout                                 Scottish

science              sight                                  skinny                               screen

Level 3

descend                           fascinating                       miscellaneous  misc.                                 musk

scrap                                scream               scandal              Scandinavian    escape

landscape                        scenery              scenic                               skin                                   scan

skirt                                   scratch               skydive

Level 4

descent              decent                discipline                         fluorescent

obscene                           absent                scaffold              scam

skim                                  skeleton                           scenario                           skewer

sewer                               scholar               skid                                   skinned

scone                               skin-tight                          scoop                               screw

script                                 scrapped                          scrub                                scruffy

scrum                               sculpture                          skunk                                skull

Level 5

abscess                           abscond                           ascend               askew                               disciple

helter-skelter                   incandescent                  scab                                  scald                                 scree

scamper                           skanky                scant                                 skint                                  scarper

escarpment                     sceptre               septic                                sciatica               skiff

scoff                                  scimitar              skimpy                scrimp

scintilla               scintillating                      scion                                 skipper

scupper                            skirmish                           skit                                    skittle

scatter                skive                                 scorn                                scour

scram                               scrawl                               screech              scuffle

skulk                                 skullcap                           sculpt                                skulduggery

scum                                 succumb                          viscount


Do the same, but listening to your teacher or classmate say a word in a sentence to give context. Listen to the context carefully, because with these there is always another word with exactly the same pronunciation in the opposite category.


Homophones of words with SC to listen to in context

  • scene/ seen
  • scent/ sent
  • muscle/ mussel
  • ska/ scar
  • cents/ scents
  • assent/ ascent


S and SC spelling practice

Put a C into one of the two words on each line below that needs it to be spelt correctly.

Levels 1 and 2

  • sissors/ sitters
  • sience/ sight


Level 3

  • decent/ desend
  • fasinated/ fastener
  • messy/ misellaneous
  • senery/ sunny
  • senate/ senic


Level 4

  • disease/ disipline
  • fluoresent/ frosted
  • absent/ obsene
  • sabbatical/ senario


Level 5

  • absent/ absess
  • asend/ asset
  • disappear/ disiple
  • incandesent/ incantation
  • septic/ septre
  • sintilla/ sister
  • sintillating/ sizeism


Silent letters in SC words

Put brackets around any silent letters in the words below. Some have no silent letters.


Levels 1 and 2

scared                              school                              scissors                            score

biscuit                                             scales                               scooter               Scottish

science                            screen


Level 3

descend                                         fascinated                        miscellaneous  misc.

scrap                                              scream               scandal              landscape

scenery                            scenic                               scout


Level 4

descent                            discipline                         fluorescent                       obscene

scaffold                            scam                                 scenario                           scholar

scone                                             screw                                script                                 scrapped

scruffy                                             scrum                               sculpture


Level 5

abscess                                         abscond                           ascend               disciple

incandescent                                scree                                scamper                           scant

scarper                             sceptre               sciatica               scoff

scimitar                            scrimp                              scintilla               scintillating

scion                                               scupper                            scorn                                scour

scram                                             scrawl                               screech              scrimp

scuffle                                             sculpt                                scum



Hint: The silent letters are C, S, U and H.

What are the rules/ patterns for when C is pronounced and not pronounced in “sc-” words?

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