Reported Questions Games


Two fun reported questions speaking games, starting with small talk and with a grammar presentation in between.

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Reported questions games


Game One: Reporting personal questions

Work in twos or threes. Take turns asking each other small talk questions until one of you repeats the same question or can’t think of any more suitable personal questions.

When you stop asking questions, take turns trying to remember questions that your partner asked you. Continue until one of you gives up.

Useful language for playing the game

“You asked me when/ where/ what/ which/ how/ how often/ how long/ how far/ when…”

“You asked me if/ whether…”

“Yes, that’s right”

“I’m not sure. Maybe.”/ “I can’t remember. That might be right.”
“Actually, I asked you…”

Report some questions to the class for your teacher to write on the board and see if anyone else asked the same questions.

Make rules for making reported questions from the board.

If you haven’t yet, discuss how to report yes/ no questions.


Game Two: Reported questions bluffing game

Your partner will choose one of the people below. Report what that person asked you, using your imagination if you can’t think of anything true. Only report questions, not statements. Perhaps after asking questions like “What did you say?”/ “How did you reply?” your partner will guess if that question was true or false.

Suggested people to report questions from

babysitter                                                                   brother

bus driver                                                                   cabin crew/ air stewardess

captain                                                         check-in clerk

child                                                                            classmate/ school friend

coach                                                                         customs officer

father                                                                          foreign person

friend                                                                          grandfather

grandmother                                                              immigration officer

manager/ boss                                            mother

old man                                                                      old woman

police officer                                                              receptionist

security guard                                             shop assistant

sister                                                                           stranger/ passerby

taxi driver                                                                   teacher

teenager                                                                    tourist

waiter/ waitress/ server

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