Presentations- Game


Classifying and using presentations phrases games

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Presentations language game

Teacher’s Instructions

Stage 1- Language Presentation

Photocopy one copy per student (for reference) and photocopy and cut up one copy per small group, making packs of cards without the titles. Students sort the cards into different categories of language that are used when giving presentations. If they get stuck and/ or to help them start checking their answers, you can:

  • tell them that there are 9 categories
  • tell them that there are 3 per category
  • tell them the names of the categories
  • give out the headings cards

When one or two teams have completely finished, give out the additional (not cut up) copies for students to check their answers and to keep for reference.


Stage 2- Speaking game

Students shuffle the cards and deal them out equally between. They can look at their cards. The students take turns talking about a topic of their choice, trying to slip in the phrases on the pieces of paper they have into the presentation (the part in brackets on some cards is the part they should change to match their own presentation). They can speak as long as they like, but their partner can interrupt if they pause for more than 10 seconds. When they have used a phrase on one of their cards, they can discard that card, score one point, and their partner should continue the same presentation. If the presentation is brought to a close but they still have some cards left, they should continue playing from the start of a new presentation topic. The first student with no cards left in their hands is the winner.


The brainstorming stage can be done before or after the speaking game.


Cards to cut up suggested answers

Introducing and outlining the presentation


“Hi everyone. Thanks for coming. Today I’m going to talk about (the role of sheepdogs in modern farming)”



“I’m very happy to see that so many of you could make it on such a cold/ hot/ busy/… day”



“My presentation will last for approximately (thirty minutes), and then I will leave about (10) minutes at the end for questions”


Moving through the presentation


“Moving onto the (second) part of my presentation”



“That leads us on nicely to the next point I want to deal with, which is (the economic prospects in the medium term)”



“If everyone is clear on that point, I’ll move onto the next slide”




“Although this is a bit of generalisation, I would say that (Singapore is a cleaner city than Tokyo)”



“In the majority of cases, (girls outperform boys between the ages of 10 and 12)”



“Looking at the broad picture, (language testing in Japan does not have a particularly bright future)”


Being specific and giving examples


“To give an example from my personal experience, (two member of my family suffer from dyslexia)”



“I think I can illustrate this point by telling you about the time (I went to Tanzania on a safari holiday)”



“To be specific, (I mean the downtown area between 3rd and 22nd Streets)”


Summarizing and recapping


“As I said in my introduction, (the problem of homelessness is not going to go away)”





“To try to state the same point in an easier to remember way, (some apes have the communicative ability of a one year old despite less access to English)”



“Let’s look at what we have decided about (those three points) again”


Describing visuals/ describing trends/ talking about numbers


“On this (chart) here, you can clearly see (the trend in eating habits amongst the under 5s)”



“This diagram shows (the market shares of the 12 leading players in this field)”



“Although the figures (have been fluctuating quite a lot), I think this visual representation makes the general (rising) trend quite clear”


Dealing with questions/ asking for participation


“At this point, I’d like to ask if anyone else has any questions or comments”



“Does anyone else have any ideas on (how this problem can be tackled)?”



“Yes, the (gentleman at the back in the red shirt), what is your question please?”


Asking questions (as a member of the audience)


“Thanks very much for your presentation; I think you made very interesting points. However, I have a question about what you said about (prices)”



“Sorry to interrupt, but can I ask (how you think this ties in with what Professor Jones said in the last presentation)?”



“Actually, I have two questions. The first is…”


Bringing the presentation/ meeting/ conference to a close


“Well, if no one else has any questions I will leave it there. Thank you very much for coming today.”



“I’m really sorry, but we seem to have run out time. If anyone still has any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them individually.”



“And on that point, I will bring my presentation to a close. Thank you all for your kind attention”



Brainstorming stage

Without looking above, write as many suitable phrases as you can for each function.

Introducing and outlining the presentation





Moving through the presentation










Being specific and giving examples





Summarizing and recapping





Describing visuals/ describing trends/ talking about numbers





Dealing with questions/ asking for participation





Asking questions (as a member of the audience)





Bringing the presentation/ meeting/ conference to a close






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