Passive Voice- Yes-No Questions Games


Closed questions with passive voice speaking games, for easy practice of different passive tenses, including points for getting positive answers and a fun lying game.

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Passive voice yes no questions games


Game 1: Passive voice Make me say yes

Ask your partner questions with the passive voice (“be + PP”) and try to make them say “Yes, I am/ was/ have/ will/…” You will get one point for each “Yes (I…)” answer, but no points for “No (I…)” answers, “I don’t know” answers, etc. You also get no points if your question isn’t in the passive voice (= doesn’t include both a form of “be” and the Past Participle). Your teacher will tell you if/ when you can use the suggestions below to help.


Game 2: Passive voice you must say yes

Your partner will ask you a Yes/ No passive question with a form of “be + PP” such as “Has your… ever been…?” You must answer “Yes”, even if that isn’t true. Perhaps after asking for more details, your partner will try to guess if your “Yes” answer was true or not.


Yes/ No questions with passive voice grammar presentation

Without looking below, change the active voice questions below into passive voice questions. Leave the actor out of the passive voice question if it doesn’t seem important/ doesn’t seem relevant.

Does someone often cook for you?

Does living in a big city often annoy you?

Does commuting ever bore you?

Did your commute annoy you yesterday?

Did someone buy your watch in duty free?

Has anyone ever broken your heart?

Has anyone ever advised you to change jobs?

Has a friend or family member ever cut your hair?

Will anyone deliver anything to you tomorrow?

Will your children look after you when you get older?

Would criticism from your boss discourage you from suggesting new ideas?

Could more money persuade you to move to a poorer country?

Check your answers below.

Play the games above with less help or no help, and/ or play the opposite games, trying to get “No” answers or always answering “No”.

Do the same with “I don’t know” answers.

Suggested topics

  • appearance
  • conversations
  • crime
  • food and drink
  • friends and family
  • health
  • home
  • presents
  • romance
  • shopping
  • sports and exercise
  • studies
  • technology
  • weather
  • work


Suggested question stems

Suggested questions

  • Have you ever been…?
  • Are you often…?
  • Are you ever…?
  • Are… by…?
  • Could you be… (by…)?
  • Could your home… be…?
  • Has… ever been…?
  • Has your hair ever been…?
  • Has your… ever been…?
  • Has your… in the last… days/ weeks/ months/ years?
  • Have any of your…been…?
  • Have you (ever) been… (by…)?
  • Is… to your…?
  • Is your… ever…?
  • Was your… by… (last…)?
  • Were any of your…?
  • Were you… by anything (yesterday/ the day before yesterday/…)?
  • Were you… many…?
  • Will anything be… to…?
  • Will you be… by… (when you get older)?
  • Will your… need to be… (in the next…)?
  • Would you be… (from…) by…?


Suggested verbs

  • advise
  • annoy
  • bore
  • buy
  • break
  • build
  • catch
  • clean
  • change
  • choose
  • confuse
  • cook
  • cut
  • damage
  • deliver
  • discourage
  • dismiss/ downsize/ fire/ sack
  • dye
  • encourage/ persuade
  • give
  • import
  • injure
  • laugh at/ tease
  • look after
  • make/ manufacture
  • perm
  • punish
  • reject
  • renovate
  • replace
  • rob/ steal
  • scare
  • shout
  • sell
  • support
  • trap
  • wake


Suggested questions

  • Have you ever been advised to… (by…)?
  • Are you often annoyed by…?
  • Were you annoyed by anything yesterday/ last week?
  • Are you ever bored by…?
  • Was your watch bought in duty free?
  • Have any of your bones been broken?
  • Has your heart ever been broken?
  • Was your house built in this century?
  • Were you caught in the rain yesterday/ the day before yesterday/ last week/ last…?
  • Has your mind ever been changed by…?
  • Is your home ever cleaned professionally?
  • Were any of your clothes chosen for you?
  • Are you ever confused by something that you studied?
  • Are you often cooked for (by…)?
  • Has your hair ever been cut by a friend or family member?
  • Have any of your clothes been damaged (by…)?
  • Was your home damaged in the last big storm/ last week/ by the last typhoon?
  • Is a newspaper delivered to your house?
  • Will anything be delivered to you tomorrow?
  • Would you be discouraged (from…) by…?
  • Have you ever been dismissed/ downsized/ fired/ sacked?
  • Has your hair ever been dyed?
  • Could you be encouraged to... (by…)?/ Could you be persuaded to… (by…)?
  • Were you given many presents on your last birthday?
  • Was your olive oil imported from Italy?
  • Have you been injured playing sports?
  • Has your… ever been laughed at?/ Have you ever been teased for… (by…)?
  • Are your grandparents looked after by your parents?
  • Will you be looked after by your children when you get older?
  • Was your refrigerator made in China?/ Was your fridge manufactured in China?
  • Has your hair ever been permed?
  • Have you ever been punished for…/ by…?
  • Have any of your job applications been rejected?
  • Were you rejected for the first job that you applied for after university?
  • Has the inside of your house ever been renovated?
  • Has your kitchen been renovated in the last ten years?
  • Will your computer need to be replaced in the next two years?
  • Have you ever been robbed?/ Has your… ever been stolen?
  • Have you ever been scared by…?
  • Are you ever scared by…?
  • Were you shouted at last week?
  • Could your home be sold for more than you bought it for?
  • Was your choice of… supported by your parents?
  • Have you ever been trapped in your house (by snow/ by…)?
  • Were you woken up by the earthquake (last night/ earlier this week)?

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