Indirect Speech- Reporting Verbs Sentence Completion Games


Three fun reporting verbs activities with students guessing, spotting lies and finding things they share with the help of suggested sentence starters, including verb patterns after reporting verbs presentation.

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Reporting verbs sentence completion games

Do the activity or activities below that your teacher tells you to. “Someone…” sentences should also involve yourself in some way.


Reported speech sentence completion guessing game

Fill at least half of the sentences below with true personal information, making sure that you use the right prepositions, the correct verb patterns, etc. Read out just the part that you wrote (not the part of the sentence that is written there) and see if your partner can guess which sentence you wrote that in.

Useful phrases for doing the activity

“No, it can’t be that because…”

“That is possible, but it isn’t true for me.”

“That is also true, but it isn’t the sentence I chose.”

“Yes, that’s right.”/ “Good guess.”


Reported speech sentence completion bluffing game

Fill the sentences below with a mix of true personal information and imaginary sentences, making sure that you use the right prepositions, the correct verb patterns, etc. Read out one sentence and see if your partner can guess if it true or not, perhaps after asking for more information. 


Reported speech sentence completion things in common

Share information and ask each other questions to fill the gaps below with things that are true for both people in your group/ for everyone in your group. 

When you finish the activity, ask about anything you can’t understand, are not sure that you completed correctly, etc, working together to make example sentences each time.


Reporting verbs grammar presentation

Find at least one phrase below that can be followed by each of these:




if/ whether



someone + to + verb                                 someone for                                  someone of

(that) + SV

to + noun                                                                   to + verb                                        to + verb+ing



+ noun

Find verbs which have similar or opposite meanings and similar things after them.

Change groups and play a different game above.


Sentences to complete

I advocate

I agreed

I begged

I checked

I debated

I disagreed

I discussed

I enquired

I forecast

I have argued

I have been ordered

I maintain

I object

I prayed

I promised

I refused

I requested

I told

I was accused

I was advised

I was asked

I was blamed

I was commanded

I was discouraged

I was given the impression

I was rumoured

I was threatened

I wish people would recognise

I would admit

I would emphasise

I would insist

I would stress

I would suggest

I would urge

It has been said

It is said

It was brought to my attention

It was projected

It was rumoured

Many people say

Some people claim

Someone acknowledged

Someone alleged

Someone announced

Someone apologised

Someone approved

Someone asked

Someone boasted

Someone brought up

Someone commented

Someone complained

Someone conceded

Someone confessed

Someone confirmed

Someone congratulated

Someone criticised

Someone declared

Someone demanded

Someone denied

Someone disputed

Someone encouraged

Someone explained

Someone guaranteed

Someone implied

Someone indicated

Someone informed

Someone instructed

Someone invited

Someone mentioned

Someone offered

Someone persuaded

Someone pointed out

Someone predicted

Someone proposed

Someone quoted

Someone reassured

Someone recognised

Someone recommended

Someone referred

Someone refused

Someone remarked

Someone reminded

Someone said

Someone shouted

Someone speculated

Someone stated

Someone suggested

Someone thanked

Someone told

Someone touched on

Someone warned

Someone whispered

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