Improving the Olympics


How to make the Olympic Games better discussion.

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Improving the Olympics discussion

What aspects of the Olympics most need improving?

What do you think about Olympic mascots?

How could Olympic mascots be improved?

Discuss these ideas:

  • Use a pre-existing character
  • Give the contract to a company with experience of designing characters, e.g. Sanrio or Nintendo, and let them decide
  • Let the local mayor decide
  • Let the local councillors decide
  • Allow members of the public to send in their own designs
  • Allow designers from all over the world to take part in a competition
  • Allow one famous designer to choose the design rather than deciding by committee
  • Have a public vote
  • Have a public vote in rounds with the designers explaining their ideas and improving on their efforts, like a kind of American Idol for designers
  • Employ one famous designer and let them do what they like
  • Let a panel of different experts (e.g. a designer, an architect and an artist) decide
  • Use an update of a good previous Olympic character
  • Have more rounds in the competition, e.g. top 100, then top 10, then top 3
  • Give the contract to a famous children’s book illustrator and let them decide
  • Let school children design it

How could you improve the Olympics more generally? 

Discuss these ideas:

  • Ban cities from holding the Olympics more than once
  • Change continent in a fixed pattern, e.g. always Asia (including Australasia) then Europe then the Americas then Africa then back to Asia
  • Award it to a country rather than a city
  • Have the games more often
  • Have the games less often
  • Make it less commercial, e.g. less obvious advertising
  • Have more sports
  • Have fewer sports
  • Have sports that appeal more to young people, e.g. adventure sports like skydiving
  • Eliminate old-fashioned sports like horse riding
  • Allow to public to vote on more things, e.g. who should light the Olympic flame


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