IELTS Speaking Part One and Needs Analysis First Lesson


First lesson for IELTS classes with needs analysis

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IELTS Needs analysis and Speaking Part One practice

Take turns asking questions to write notes about each other below. You don’t need to write full sentences.

Name (of the person answering the questions)


Present work and studies





Present studies and use of English (including self-study)





Past studies of and use of English





Future studies of and use of English





Other languages (present, past and future)





Other studies/ education/ research (present, past and future)





Exams/ Qualifications (English and others, past and future)





IELTS (motivation experience, knowledge, opinions, strong and weak points, etc)





Use the IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions below to ask about things your partner hasn’t described yet. As the examiner does in the exam, you can use the extra questions in brackets afterwards for more details, but only if your partner hasn’t already answered that.


IELTS Speaking Part One questions on study and foreign languages

Education/ Studies

  • Are you studying anything at the moment? (How long have you been doing that?)
  • Do you have any plans to study abroad?/ Would you like to study abroad? (Why?)
  • Is there anything else which you’d like to study?/ Do you have any plans to study anything else? (Why that?/ Why not?)
  • What subjects did you like at school? (Why?)
  • What was your favourite subject at school/ when you were younger?


Foreign languages

  • Are there any other languages you would like to learn?
  • Can you read English easily?
  • Can you speak fluently?
  • Did you enjoy foreign languages at school?/ Did you enjoy learning English when you were younger? (Why/ Why not?)
  • Do you enjoy speaking English?
  • Do you have many self-study materials?
  • Do you often speak English?
  • Do you prefer to read English or listen to English?
  • Do you speak any other languages?/ Have you studied any other languages? (Which languages are popular in your country?)
  • Do you want to study abroad in the future?
  • Do you want to study any other languages?/ Are there any other languages which you’d like to learn? (Why?)
  • How do you usually learn vocabulary?
  • How easy is it to write in English for you?
  • How important is English to you?/ Why is it important for you to learn English? (Why?)
  • How long do you think you will continue studying English?
  • How long have you been studying English? (Has you English improved recently?)
  • How much time do you spend studying English?
  • Is there anything you dislike about English?
  • On what occasions do you use English outside class?
  • What activities do you find most useful for learning English? / What do you think the best way to study a language is?
  • What do you find most difficult about learning languages?
  • What level of English do you hope to have in ten years’ time?
  • When did you last speak English outside class? (Did you have any problems communicating?)
  • Who do you communicate in English with?
  • Would you say that you enjoy using English?

Exams/ Qualifications

  • Do you have any professional qualifications? (Do you want to take any?)
  • Do you need any qualifications for your future career? (How common is that?)
  • What qualifications are most important for people in your field? (Is that changing?)
  • When did you last take an exam? (How was it?)
  • When do you think you will next take an exam?



  • How much do you know about IELTS?
  • Have you ever taken IELTS?
  • Why are you taking the IELTS exam?
  • What will you do if you get a good score on the IELTS exam?
  • What is the most difficult thing about IELTS, do you think?


Ask about anything above which you couldn’t understand or couldn’t answer.

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