I don't get bored: -ing and -ed adjectives story


Adjectives ending in ed and ing practice through a fun story.

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–ing and –ed adjectives story

I Don’t Feel Bored

an –ed and –ing adjectives story

by Alex Case

Possible activities with the story “I Don’t Get Bored”:

  • Ask the kids to draw the pictures for each sentence (on the page with the reason)
  • Ask the kids to guess the reason on the next page each time before you turn the page
  • Get kids to match up the sentences (see below) and then read and check
  • Get the kids to make up their own continuations of the story or similar stories


Mixed sentences from I Don’t Get Bored

Hiking can be tiring,

The news is boring,

School concerts are embarrassing,

Spiders are frightening

Grandma’s kisses are embarrassing,

My little brother is annoying,

Homework can be boring,

People think bugs are disgusting,

but I don’t feel bored because

but I don’t feel bored because

but I don’t feel embarrassed because

but I don’t get annoyed because

but I don’t get tired because

but I’m never frightened because

but I’m not disgusted because

but I’m not the one who feels embarrassed because

I catch them in my bubble gum.

I cover them with ketchup before I eat them.

I have 20 monkeys to help me.

I have a packet of peanuts.

I hide while she kisses my robot.

I imagine the people are all monsters.

I shrink him to the size of an ant.

I sing from under a sheet.




Hiking can be tiring, but I don’t get tired because…




I have a packet of peanuts.




The news is boring, but I don’t feel bored because…





I imagine the people are all monsters.




School concerts are embarrassing, but I don’t feel embarrassed because…




I sing from under a bedsheet.




Spiders are frightening but I’m never frightened because…




I catch them in my bubble gum.




Grandma’s kisses are embarrassing, but I’m not the one who feels embarrassed because…




I hide while she kisses my robot.




My little brother is annoying, but I don’t get annoyed because…




I shrink him to the size of an ant.




Homework can be boring, but I don’t feel bored because…




I have 20 monkeys to help me.




People think bugs are disgusting, but I’m not disgusted because…




I put ketchup on them before I eat them.


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