Guess the Past Time Game


Practising past time expressions speaking game

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: Time
Study Area: Past Tenses
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Lesson Plan Content:

Guess the past time game

Choose one card below and explain things at that time until your partner guesses it, giving other hints if you need to. Show the whole list of times to choose from if they get stuck.

Useful phrases for giving hints

“Yes, but you need to be more precise/ more detail”/ “Yes, but when?”

“No, (much/ quite a lot/ a bit) earlier/ later”

“I first/ last/ then”

“I… once/ twice/ a couple of times/ a few times/ many times then”

“(Good guess but) I wanted to/ tried to… then but I couldn't”



last year (= 2011)



the day before yesterday before breakfast


the day before yesterday after dinner



when I was three


in 2005



last month


two months ago



in August


in the autumn



on New Year’s Day (= 1 January this year)


on Christmas Day (= 25 Dec last year)



on Valentine’s Day (= 14 February)


when I was five



yesterday evening


yesterday afternoon


yesterday morning



on my birthday



on my mum’s birthday


before I came here today



at my school’s sports day


100 years ago


1000 years ago



1,000,000 years ago



last Christmas


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