Guess the medical problems from the advice


Fun functional language for giving advice and medical vocabulary practice through a guessing game, useful for both medical staff and people who could be patients.

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Guess the medical problems from the advice

Choose one problem below. Without saying which one you chose, give advice on things to do and not to do in that situation using sentences like those on the next page. Continue until your partner guesses what the problem is, with one guess for each hint.

Useful phrases for doing the activity

“That’s right.”

“That could be right, but in this case you should(n’t)/ must(n’t)…”

“No, that can’t be right because…”


Medical problems to give advice on and guess

  • You are fat.
  • You are stressed.
  • You ate too much.
  • You broke your arm./ You hurt your arm./ You have a broken arm.
  • You broke your finger./ You hurt your finger./ You have a broken finger.
  • You broke your leg./ You hurt your leg./ Your leg hurts./ You have a broken leg.
  • You broke your nose./ Your nose is broken./ You have a nose bleed./ Your nose is bleeding.
  • You broke your toe./ You hurt your toe.
  • You can’t sleep.
  • You have a cold./ You have a cough.
  • You have a fever./ Your temperature is over 37.5 degrees Celsius.
  • You have a headache./ Your head aches./ Your head hurts.
  • You have a sore throat./ Your throat hurts./ It hurts to eat and drink.
  • You have a stomach ache./ Your stomach hurts.
  • You have backache./ Your back aches./ Your back hurts.
  • You have coronavirus./ You have COVID 19.
  • You have earache./ Your ears hurt.
  • You have flu./ You have influenza.
  • You have hay fever./ You are allergic to…/ You have a(n)… allergy.
  • You have many insect bites/ many mosquito bites/ many … bites.
  • You have sunburn.
  • You have toothache.
  • You lost your voice./ You can’t speak.
  • You often feel tired./ You often feel sleepy.
  • You twisted your ankle./ You hurt your ankle.
  • Your eyes are tired.

Ask about any advice below that you don’t understand, working together to match it to a situation above each time. Then ask about any situations above which you don’t understand, are not sure what to do for, etc, working together to make suitable advice etc.  

Choose one medical problem above and take turns giving different advice until you run out of ideas. Then do the same for other medical problems not above.


Suggested medical advice


You must

You should


You shouldn’t

You mustn’t

bandage it/ put a bandage on it

clean it/ wash it (harder/ more often/ with…)

cover it (with…)

do exercise/ do sport/ do weight training

do yoga

drink a lot of water/ drink milk/ drink tea/ drink coffee

eat junk food/ eat snacks/ eat soup/ eat…

gargle (with green tea/ with…)

go jogging/ go running

go on a diet

go to a drugstore/ to a chemist’s/ to a pharmacy

go to hospital

go to school/ go to work

have a (hot/ cold) bath/ shower

have a massage

have an injection

hold it/ squeeze it

lie down (on the floor)

listen to music

move/ move it – keep it still/ stay still

play computer games/ play video games

play rugby/ play basketball/ play…

put a Band Aid on it/ put a sticky plaster on it

put something cold on it/ put cream on it/ put … on it

rest (it)

see a doctor/ see a nurse



sit down

skip breakfast/ skip lunch/ skip dinner

stay at home/ stay in bed

stay up late

stretch (it)/ do stretches

take a vacation/ have a holiday

take medicine/ tablets/ painkillers/ vitamins

use a stick/ use crutches/ use a wheelchair

use insect repellent (spray/ patches)

walk the dog

watch TV

wear a mask

wear a sling/ put on a sling

wear googles/ wear sunglasses



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