Guess the Future Time- Predictions Practice


Fun time expressions practice through trying to guess what time someone is imagining the future of, including suggested future time expressions and a presentation stage.

By: Alex Case
Level: All Levels
Theme: Time
Study Area: Future Forms
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Lesson Plan Content:

Guess the future time predictions practice

Choose one of the times on the cards and give hints about your imagination of things at that time/ life at that time until your partner guesses exactly that time. They can only guess once per hint, but you can also give hints about how wrong their guesses are such as “No, it’s much sooner”, “No, it’s slightly later” and “That’s true, but the time written on my card is wider/ narrower”.


Useful phrases for giving hints

“That’s not quite right. I’ll give you another hint.”

“It could be then, but that’s not the time I’m thinking of. I’ll give you another clue.” 

“That’s true, but the time I have a longer period/ a shorter period. I’ll give you another hint.”

“It can’t be that time, because I said…”

“No, it’s (much/ quite a lot/ a bit/ a tiny bit) sooner/ later (because…)”

“That’s (exactly) right. It’s your turn.”


Ask about any times, verbs, etc below that you don’t understand or couldn’t make a prediction about, working together to make predictions each time.


Future time expressions presentation

Without looking below, put all the cards into order by how far they are in the future (from now). Note that the order might be slightly different to the list, depending on when it is now.

Check the order as a class.

Without looking at the cards, fill each gap below with one word. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

_______________________________________________________ evening

Tomorrow ____________________________________________________.

______________________________________________________ weekend.

______________________________________________ day after tomorrow.

_____________________________________________________ three days.

The week after _________________________________________________.

_________________________________________________ (the year) 2020.

Check with the cards, checking with your teacher if you wrote something different.


Suggested predictions about future times

This country

This city



Most people

Many people

Some people

Everyone here


The economy

My English level

The population

The temperature

The environment

The weather


My parents

My company

My division

My department

My section

My team

My boss

My job

My finances

My favourite team

My …

will definitely

will almost certainly

will probably

may well


could possibly

probably won’t

almost certainly won’t

definitely won’t


be able to…

be able to afford…

be alive

be annoyed by…

be better/ improve

be common

be less popular

be less…

be living in…

be more popular

be more…

be promoted

be retired/ have retired

be studying (…)

be (almost) the same as now

be working (…)

be worse

be …er





drink…/ eat…




have achieved…

have disappeared

have got…

have passed…

have time for/ to…




need/ lack…

(have) quit…


spend money/ time on…

suffer from…

travel (by…)


want to…




Times cards to cut up for the guessing game and to put in order 


After this class



This evening





Tomorrow morning


Tomorrow afternoon



Tomorrow evening


This weekend



The day after tomorrow


In three days



Next Wednesday


Next Friday



Next weekend


The week after next



Next month


Next spring



The year after next


In 2025



In 2030


In 2050



In a hundred years


In two hundred years




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