Guess the Country- Warmer Cooler


Practising country words through personal questions and a guessing game, including further hints about where it is like "Much further East".

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Lesson Plan Content:

Guess the country warmer cooler game

Ask a question from below that you are sure of the answer to, and see if your partner can guess the answer. If your partner’s first guess is wrong, give them hints about where that place is on the map compared to their last guess, plus other another hint if you can. Continue until they get exactly the right country, then guess your partner’s country from the same kind of question and hints. If you are scoring points, you get six points if you are right with your first guess, five points if you are right with your second guess, etc.




(much/ a lot)

(quite a lot)

(a little)












Personal questions about countries

  • What country did I go to in 20…?
  • What country do I want to visit next?
  • What country does my … live in?
  • What’s the best country for holidays that I have visited?
  • What’s the best country for living in that I have visited?
  • What’s the worst country for living in that I have visited?
  • Where is my … from?
  • Where is my …’s hometown?
  • Where is my favourite (…) team (…) from?
  • Where is my favourite … from?
  • Where is my favourite food/ dish/ drink/… (…) from?
  • Where is my favourite song/ music/ musician/ composer/ group/ rapper/… (…) from?
  • Where is my hometown?
  • Where was I born?
  • Where was my … born?
  • Which country makes my favourite…?
  • Which country’s food do I hate?
  • Which country’s food do I like best?
  • What country’s language did I study (at school/ at…/ … years ago).
  • Which country’s language do I most want to learn?
  • Which country’s language do I think is most difficult to learn?
  • Which country’s language do I think is the easiest to learn?
  • Which country’s language is my second language?
  • Which is the hottest/ coldest/ dirtiest/ cleanest/ cheapest/ most expensive/ …est country that I have visited?


Trivia questions about countries

  • Where is … from?
  • Where is the actor … from?
  • Where is the airline … from?
  • Where is the animal/ pet/ dog/… from?
  • Where is the athlete … from?
  • What country is the brand … from?
  • Which country’s capital city is…?
  • Where are … cars/ trucks/ motorbikes/ …s from?
  • Where is … castle/ tower/ palace/ building/…?
  • What country is the character … from?
  • Where is the dish … from?
  • Where is the food … from?
  • Where is the holiday resort…?
  • Where is King/ Queen/ Prince/ Princess… from?
  • Where is … lake/ river/ sea/ waterfall?
  • Where is … mountain/ volcano/ hill?
  • Where is the movie star … from?
  • Where is the … player … from?
  • Where is the (clothes/ furniture/…) shop … from?
  • Where is the sightseeing spot…?
  • Where is the singer … from?
  • Where is the statue of…?
  • Where is the team … from?


Future questions about countries

  • Which country is the next Olympics in?
  • Which country is the next football World Cup in?
  • Which country is the next rugby World Cup in?
  • What country do I want to visit next?


Past questions about countries

  • Where was … born?
  • Where did … die?
  • Where did … happen?
  • Where was the last (football/ rugby/…) World Cup?
  • Where was I on the… of … 20…/ 19…?
  • What country did I go to in 20…?


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