Futures- Card Game


Different future tenses extended speaking game

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Future tenses extended speaking card game


Photocopiable rules of the game

Take one card at random and talk about that topic as long as you can. Your partners will give you a score based on how long you spoke minus how long you paused:

30 seconds = one point

1 minute = two points

90 seconds = three points

2 minutes = four points

2 minutes 30 seconds = five points

3 minutes = six points

You can then take the number of cards of the number of points you got, e.g. three cards for three points. Play then passes to the next person. The next time your turn comes, you can choose any of the topics of the cards that you have in your hand (apart from the topics you have already talked about).

The person with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.




Photocopiable rules of the game

Take one card at random and talk about that topic as long as you can. Your partners will give you a score based on how long you spoke minus how long you paused:

30 seconds = one point

1 minute = two points

90 seconds = three points

2 minutes = four points

2 minutes 30 seconds = five points

3 minutes = six points

You can then take the number of cards of the number of points you got, e.g. three cards for three points. Play then passes to the next person. The next time your turn comes, you can choose any of the topics of the cards that you have in your hand (apart from the topics you have already talked about).

The person with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.



Cut up one pack of cards per group of two to four students


Joker (Any future topic)



Joker (Any future topic)


Joker (Any future topic)


Joker (Any future topic)


Joker (Any future topic)



Joker (Any future topic)


Joker (Any future topic)


Joker (Any future topic)


Your future hobbies


Your next job



Upcoming meetings


Your chances of promotion


Your retirement



The future of the environment


The future of your city


The future of your country


The future of your company


The future of the stock market


The future of your field of business


Your future career



Your life in 2020



Your life in 2050



Your plans



Your arrangements


Your future social life


Future food and drink


Your ambitions



Future sporting results


The future of space exploration



The future of old age


The future of architecture


The future of healthcare


The future of computers


The future of your family


The near future



The distant future


What’s on TV and your plans to watch it


Your future purchases


Your future use of transport


Your home in the future

Regular events that also occur next week


Your next days off



Your next holiday



Public holidays this year


Future festivals and celebrations

The next time to meet your (extended) family


Your future studies


The future of education


Your next birthday



Your future appearance


Treating yourself


Future parties


Your future accommodation


Future travels



Your future studies


Future weather


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