Financial vocabulary pronunciation the same or different


Confusions with money and finance vocabulary related to homophones and minimal pairs review, starting with a quick reactions simplest responses game and ending with error correction.

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Financial vocabulary pronunciation the same or different

Without looking below, listen to two words or expressions related to finance and indicate if you think that the pronunciation is exactly the same (like “be” and “bee”) or is similar but different (like. “colleague” and “college”). You don’t need to think abut the meaning, but you can ask for one or both to be put into context if you aren’t sure.

Mark the lines below with S for “the same pronunciation” and D for “different pron”.


Financial vocabulary homophones and minimal pairs to classify

  • (savings) account/ a count (or a duke)
  • asset (stripping)/ a set (of cutlery)
  • (investment) bank/ bunk (bed)
  • (Wall Street) banker/ (nuclear) bunker
  • bear (market)/ bare (skin)
  • bear (market)/ (pint of) beer
  • bond (trader)/ (big) boned
  • (winter) bonus/ (staff) bonuses
  • boom (in demand)/ (went down like a) bomb
  • bought (from a department store)/ (rowing) boat
  • (bank) branch/ (Sunday) brunch
  • budget (for)/ budge it (up to the end)
  • business (meeting)/ busyness (at the weekend)
  • (boom and) bust/ bussed (to the next town)
  • buy (and sell)/ by (bus)
  • cash (and carry)/ (secret) cache
  • (traveller’s) cheque/ check (the information)
  • (blue) chip (stocks)/ cheap (prices)
  • (a steep) climb/ (a serious) crime
  • (inflation) climbs/ (sunny) climes
  • core (business)/ co-(owner)
  • corporation (tax)/ cooperation (between teams)
  • (market) crash/ crush (the can before recycling)
  • credit (card)/ (leading) creditor
  • (a debt) crisis/ (some debt) crises
  • current (account)/ currant (bun)
  • cut (costs)/ cat (or dog)
  • de-(fault on a debt)/ D (class shares)
  • (government) debt/ debit (card)
  • dollar (trade)/ (baby) doll
  • (over)draft/ draught (under the door)
  • (fixed) fee/ he (or she)
  • file (for bankruptcy)/ vile (character)
  • financial advice (from him)/ (certified) financial advisor
  • fraud (prevention)/ flawed (plan)
  • (investment) fund/ fanned (with folded paper)
  • (capital) gains/ (walking) canes
  • (obtain a government) grant/ grunt (of effort)
  • gross (profit)/ grows (exponentially)
  • gross (profit)/ (rapid) growth
  • heir (to the fortune)/ (hot) air
  • heir (to the fortune)/ (blonde) hair
  • hire (car)/ fire (wrongdoers)
  • holding (company)/ folding (paper)
  • leased (back)/ least (interesting)
  • lends (to SMEs)/ (camera) lens
  • (home) loan/ lone (wolf)
  • (home) loan/ (green) lawn
  • lose (half of your investment)/ loose (regulations)
  • (all-time) low/ law (and order)
  • merge (with a competitor)/ merger(s and acquisitions)
  • pay (for)/ payee (and payer)
  • (reach a) peak/ peek (into the room)
  • pound (Sterling)/ pound (of weight, = lb)
  • pre(-tax)/ pray (at a shrine)
  • profit (and loss)/ prophet (of doom)
  • (pay) raise/ (laser) rays
  • (exchange) rate/ late (payment)
  • (inflation) rate/ (police) raid
  • re-(structuring)/ ray (of sunlight)
  • rise (in value)/ (brown) rice
  • (stock prices) rose/ rows (of figures)
  • (fire) sale/ sail (across the sea)
  • (tax) scam/ scum (on the pond)
  • seed (funding)/ (comfortable) seat
  • seller (and buyer)/ (wine) cellar
  • slash (taxes)/ slush (on the street)
  • (share price) soared/ (sharp) sword
  • source (of income)/ (Worcestershire) sauce
  • (take a) stake/ (rare) steak
  • (real-time) stats/ (current) status
  • stock (picking)/ (long) stalk
  • surge (in interest)/ serge (suit)
  • (government) support/ (aerobic) sport
  • (corporation) tax/ tux (and bowtie)
  • (financial) trouble/ (leisure) travel
  • wind (up the bankrupt company)/ wind (and rain)
  • wind (up the local subsidiary)/ wined (and dined)
  • (Korean) Won/ won (the race)
  • wound (up and ceased trading)/ (bleeding) wound


Cards to hold up           


The same





The same





The same





The same





The same





The same





The same





Check as a class, then test each other on the words:

  • Play the same or different game in groups
  • Say two which are different and see if your partner can explain the difference in pronunciation (and maybe meaning)
  • Choose one of the D lines and either say both examples there or say the same one twice, and see if your partner can see if they are pronounced the same or different
  • Spell one which is on an S line above and see if your partner can spell the homophone
  • Show your partner one line above and challenge them to pronounce both correctly, checking that they pronounce them the same or differently
  • Say both words on one line, say a context that only matches one of the words, and see if your partner can say the right one back


Financial vocabulary pronunciation and spelling error correction

Each line has a mistake due to the wrong homophone or a similar-sounding word. Correct the mistakes.

  • savings a count
  • a set stripping
  • investment bunk
  • Wall Street bunker
  • bare market
  • bank brunch
  • busyness meeting
  • boom and bussed
  • by and sell
  • cache and carry
  • blue cheap stocks
  • a steep clime
  • cooperation tax
  • market crush
  • creditor card
  • a debt crises
  • currant account
  • cat costs
  • D-fault on a debt
  • government debit
  • overdraught
  • vile for bankruptcy
  • investment fanned
  • capital canes tax
  • obtain a government grunt
  • grows profit
  • air to the fortune
  • fire car
  • folding company
  • he lens money to SMEs
  • home lone
  • loose half of your investment
  • hit an all-time law
  • merges and acquisitions
  • reach a peek
  • a pray-tax loss
  • prophet and loss
  • get a ten percent pay rays
  • the official exchange yen dollar late
  • there will be ray-structuring and some downsizing
  • there has been a slight rice in value
  • stock prices rows last year
  • there will need to be a fire sail
  • he was arrested for a tax scum
  • where cellars and buyers can meet
  • the new government have promised to slush taxes
  • the share price sword to a new all-time hight
  • we need other sauces of income
  • we took a minority steak in the business and then increased it
  • stalk picking is a risky way of investing in shares
  • there has been a serge in interest in the IPO
  • they won’t survive without government sport
  • corporation tux is low but VAT is high
  • we are suffering from financial travel
  • we had to wined up our Chinese subsidiary

Check above. 

Without looking above again, pronounce the corrected ones in the right way and classify the mistakes as due to homophones (H) or minimal pairs (M).

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