Country and Nationality Statements- Bluffing Games


True and false statements with country and nationality words speaking.

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Country and nationality statements bluffing games

Say one of the statements below. Perhaps after asking for more details, your partner will guess if what you said is true or not true (= false). 


Suggested questions about statements with countries and nationality words

What colour is it?                                    Why…?                                          When…?

Who…?                                              Who… with?                                 How often…?

How many…?                               How much…?                 How much money…?

Where…?                                             Do you…?                                     Did you…?

Are you…?                                              Were you…?                                 What…?

What’s… name?


Country and nationality word statements to say and ask about


My uncle lives in Australia



I have an American toy



I went to a Brazilian restaurant last year



It was foggy when I went to Britain



I got angry in Cambodia



I have a Canadian coat



I can cook Chinese food



I have some English books



I often eat French bread for breakfast



I want a German car



I have a Hawaiian (T-)shirt



I was thirsty in Indonesia



It was snowy when I went to Ireland



I sometimes go to an Italian restaurant



I want a Mexican dog



I want to go to the Netherlands



I want to go hiking in Mongolia



My favourite sportsman is from Portugal



I don’t want to go to Scotland



South Korean biscuits are too sweet for me



I want to study Spanish



There is a Swedish table in my house



I like Swiss music



It was windy when I went to Taiwan



My friend’s grandmother is Taiwanese



I got ill in Thailand/ I got sick in Thailand



Country and nationality words language presentation

Without looking above, choose the correct option in each place below. The other choice is always wrong.

  • My uncle lives in Australia/ Australian
  • I have an America/ American toy
  • I went to a Brazil/ Brazilian restaurant last year
  • It was foggy when I went to Britain/ British
  • I got angry in Cambodia/ Cambodian
  • I have a Canada/ Canadian coat
  • I can cook China/ Chinese food
  • I have some England/ English books
  • I eat France/ French bread for breakfast
  • I want a German/ Germany car
  • I have a Hawaii/ Hawaiian T-shirt
  • I was thirsty in Indonesia/ Indonesian
  • It was snowy when I went to Ireland/ Irish
  • I sometimes go to an Italy/ Italian restaurant
  • I want a Mexico/ Mexican dog
  • I want to go to the Netherlands/ Dutch
  • I want to go hiking in Mongolia/ Mongolian
  • My favourite sportsman is from Portugal/ Portuguese
  • I don’t want to go to Scotland/ Scottish
  • South Korea/ South Korean biscuits are too sweet for me
  • I want to study Spain/ Spanish
  • There is a Sweden/ Swedish table in my house
  • I like Switzerland/ Swiss music
  • It was windy when I went to Taiwan/ Taiwanese
  • My friend’s grandmother is Taiwan/ Taiwanese
  • I got ill (= sick) in Thailand/ Thai

Check your answers with the previous page.

Label the correct words above with C for country (e.g. “USA”) or N for nationality (= an adjective, often the same as a language, e.g. “Spanish”).

Check any which you aren’t sure about as a class.

Without looking above, put the words below into the correct column by whether they are country or nationality words, then try to remember the correct other version.






























































South Korea

















Check your answers with the previous worksheets.


Freer speaking

Make your own sentences by filling gaps below. Can your partner guess if the sentences are true or not?

  • My uncle lives in _________________________________________________
  • I have an _____________________________________________________ toy
  • I went to a ______________________________________ restaurant last year
  • It was foggy when I went to ________________________________________
  • I got angry in ___________________________________________________
  • I have a _________________________________________________________ coat
  • I can cook __________________________________________________food
  • I have some ________________________________________________ books
  • I eat _____________________________________ bread/ cereal for breakfast
  • I want a _____________________________________________________ car
  • I have a ___________________________________________________ T-shirt
  • I was thirsty in __________________________________________________
  • It was snowy when I went to ________________________________________
  • I sometimes go to an _____________________________________ restaurant
  • I want a ____________________________________________________ dog
  • I want to go to ___________________________________________________
  • I want to go hiking in ______________________________________________
  • My favourite sportsman is from ______________________________________
  • I don’t want to go to _______________________________________________
  • ________________________________ snacks/ desserts are too sweet for me
  • I want to study __________________________________________________
  • There is a _________________________________________ table in my house
  • I like ____________________________________________________ music
  • It was windy when I went to ________________________________________
  • My friend’s grandmother is __________________________________________
  • I got ill (= sick) in ________________________________________________

Play the same lying game with your own sentences. They can be sentences above changed (“My aunt lives in ______________________” etc) or totally different sentences.

Possible topics

holidays                           souvenirs                         languages                       food

animals              documentaries            famous people                  art

weather                            stories                              movies               characters

clothes               feelings              likes and dislikes            the future

the past                            your things                      things in your house.

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