Connected speech in Financial English collocations


Elision, intrusive sounds etc in natural speech with words that often go together in financial vocabulary.

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Connected speech in Financial English collocations

The expressions below are all written based partly on their pronunciation in rapid speech. Rewrite them with normal written spelling and gaps between words, writing the whole thing each time.   

  • saving saccount
  • curren taccount
  • pay yoff the debt
  • a boo min demand
  • merger san dacquisitions
  • brea keven in the third yea rof business
  • boo mand bust
  • ta ka stake in the company
  • co woperation between teams
  • diversify yinto wother financial products
  • manage to ma kends meet
  • rea cha peak
  • a sur gin interest rates
  • sour ceof income
  • ca shout wi tha nIPO
  • fi llin the yapplication form
  • only just kee pafloat
  • leve lo ffat seven hundre dand five
  • profi tand lo ssaccount
  • bleeding re dink
  • retur no ninvestment
  • rea lesta tinvestmen trust
  • ru nou tof cash
  • inves tin star tup businesses
  • ta kou ta loan
  • wri toff ba debts
  • co rarea yof business

Check as a class or with the answer key.

Ask about any which you don’t understand, are not sure how to pronounce, etc.

Without looking above, mark the areas on the next page where the pronunciation is different from how it is written above when it is spoken quickly in natural speech. Other changes not above are also possible, and not every change there is necessary every time.

Check as a class or above. Different answers are possible, so check if you made other changes.


Answer key

  • savings account
  • current account
  • pay off the debt
  • a boom in demand
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • break even in the third year of business
  • boom and bust
  • take a stake in the company
  • cooperation between teams
  • diversify into other financial products
  • manage to make ends meet
  • reach a peak
  • a surge in interest rates
  • source of income
  • cash out with an IPO
  • fill in the application form
  • only just keep afloat
  • level off at seven hundred and five
  • profit and loss account
  • bleeding red ink
  • return on investment
  • real estate investment trust
  • run out of cash
  • invest in start up businesses
  • take out a loan
  • write off bad debts
  • core area of business


Test each other on the phrases:

  • say one as it is written on the first page and see if your partner can write it
  • say one as it written on the first page and see if your partner can say it back slowly and carefully
  • say one slowly and carefully as it is written on this page and see if they can say it back with (at least some) connected speech
  • show one of the lines on this page to your partner and see if they can say it with (at least some) connected speech
  • say one as it is written on the first page and see if your partner can say what it means
  • say one as it is written on the first page and see if your partner can repeat it back in an example sentence

Ask about any which you can’t explain or make example sentences for, working together to make suitable explanations and context each time.


Financial English collocations

Without looking above, match words from the left and right of the same section to make finance words that often go together.

  1. savings/ current                                      account
  2. pay                                                        and acquisitions   
  3. a boom                                                  operation between teams  
  4. mergers                                                 even in the third year of business
  5. break                                                     in demand/ and bust
  6. take                                                       in interest rates   
  7. co-                                                         into other financial products
  8. diversify                                                 ends meet
  9. manage to make                                     of income
  10. reach                                                     off the debt
  11. a surge                                                   a peak
  12. source                                                    a stake in the company


  1. cash                                                      afloat   
  2. fill                                                         area of business
  3. only just keep                                         estate investment trust
  4. level in/ out                                            the application form
  5. profit                                                     in start up businesses
  6. bleeding red                                           ink
  7. return on                                               and loss account
  8. real                                                       off bad debts
  9. run                                                        off at seven hundred and five
  10. invest                                                    investment
  11. take                                                      out a loan
  12. write                                                     out of cash
  13. core                                                      out with an IPO


Check above. Other matches are possible, but there is probably only one way of matching everything, so please check if you made other matches.

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