Communication Challenges Dice Game


Fun practice of different ways of communicating through challenges made up by other people in their group and a dice.

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Communication challenges dice game



Step 1

Choose one of the situations below and decide how you will communicate to sort that situation out, for example:

  • Write an email (to the person involved, to a different person, or to a group of people)
  • Send a text (= a text message = an SMS, from your mobile phone)
  • Phone someone
  • Leave a phone message/ Leave a voice mail message
  • Speak face to face
  • Leave someone a note (e.g. put a Post It note on their computer screen)


Step 2

Your partner will try to think of as many possible problems as they can in that situation and assign a number on the dice to each one. If they can’t think of six possible problems, the other number or numbers on the dice will be “No problem”. For example, for “Quit your job”, the problems could be:

  • Throw a 1: Your boss won’t accept your resignation
  • Throw a 2: Your contract says you have to continue working for 3 months after quitting
  • Throw a 3: Your boss is angry with you
  • Throw a 4: Your boss offers you a promotion if you stay
  • Throw a 5: No problem
  • Throw a 6: No problem


Step 3

Throw the dice and roleplay that situation, with a problem if your partner thought of a problem for the number that you rolled. If you can deal with the situation successfully, play passes to the next person. If you can’t find a solution, do the same thing with another card and throw of the dice.




Communication challenges cards


Invite a foreign guest to a restaurant



Invite a foreign guest to a bar



Book a hotel


Try to arrange a time to meet


Find out how to get to an office





Book a train ticket


Introduce yourself to someone


Order a rare antique book




Quit your job




Apologise for being late for a meeting



Contact a potential customer for the first time


Change the time of a meeting


Contact someone famous




Tell smokers that they can’t smoke in the building anymore


Tell someone how to get to this room from the station


Find out how to do something with your new smartphone


Stop someone reading a mail that you accidentally sent


Ask someone to proofread something for you


Warn a colleague that your boss is angry with them


Try to get a job in a company which your friend set up



Tell a friend that their boy/girlfriend is cheating on them


Ask for permission to use your boss’s car


Chase up a package that was due last week


Get an untrue story deleted from a newspaper website



Try to get a longer summer holiday this year



Tell a colleague a client didn’t like their presentation



Suggest tourist spots for a foreign guest


Decide on the menu for a staff party


Ask for a lift (= a ride) early tomorrow morning



Tell a colleague that what they do is culturally insensitive





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