Christmas- Find Someone


Xmas mingling speaking activity

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Christmas find someone who

Choose one of the things below that you think you can find in this class, then ask the teacher for that slip of paper. If that one has already been chosen by someone else, choose another one. When your teacher tells you to, stand up and go around the class until you find someone who that thing is true for. Write that person’s name on the paper and ask for another. You can also change paper whenever you think that you won’t be able to find someone for that one.  

Find someone who:

  1. Remembers when they believed in Santa
  2. Really sent a letter to Santa
  3. Hated most of their Christmas presents last year
  4. Thinks that Christmas songs start too early
  5. Believes that it is bad luck to leave your Xmas decorations up for too long
  6. Thinks that Xmas is becoming too commercialised
  7. Thinks that Xmas is becoming too Americanised
  8. Thinks that Xmas is just for children
  9. Hangs a Xmas stocking up every year
  10. Usually buys themselves a Xmas present
  11. Has bought a Xmas present for a pet
  12. Really believes in some Xmas or New Year superstitions
  13. Has forgotten where the Xmas decorations have been stored when it was time to put them up
  14. Has gone out just to see the Xmas lights
  15. Is dreading Xmas
  16. Hates Xmas songs
  17. Avoids cafés playing Xmas music
  18. Prefers another holiday to Xmas



Which of the things above are common in your country?

Which things are more common in other countries, do you think?

What other attitudes and traditions are connected to Xmas in your country?


Cards to cut up



1.    Remembers when they believed in Santa



2.    Really sent a letter to Santa



3.    Hated most of their Christmas presents last year



4.    Thinks that Christmas songs start too early



5.    Believes that it is bad luck to leave your Xmas decorations up for too long



6.    Thinks that Xmas is becoming too commercialized



7.    Thinks that Xmas is becoming too Americanised



8.    Thinks that Xmas is just for children



9.    Hangs a Xmas stocking up every year



10. Usually buys themselves a Xmas present



11. Has bought a Xmas present for a pet



12. Really believes in some Xmas or New Year superstitions


13. Has forgotten where the Xmas decorations have been stored when it was time to put them up


14. Has gone out just to see the Xmas lights



15. Is dreading Xmas



16. Hates Xmas songs



17. Avoids cafés playing Xmas music



18. Prefers another holiday to Xmas



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