Cambridge Proficiency (CPE) Writing- Guided Answer Sheet


Students plan, write, edit and do extra work on their C2 Proficiency Writing Part One and/ or Part Two texts by using the given spaces and instructions - the best way to make homework writing as useful as possible.

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Cambridge Proficiency Writing guided answer sheet


Discussion/ Brainstorming

Your teacher will give a sheet to write on when you do a timed C2 Proficiency Writing task for homework, including doing extra work on the answer after the time limit. Before you look at the answer sheet, discuss possible answers to the questions below.


After using the guided answer sheet for your homework, discuss the questions below without looking at the sheet, using your memory of what it says and your own ideas.


Before you start writing your answer

  • What should you do before you look at the task?
  • What equipment do you need to have ready before you start?
  • How can you make sure that you stop at exactly the time limit?
  • What should you do when you first turn the page and look at the task?
  • Do you usually need to brainstorm before you start writing?
  • How many parts does your plan need? How many words should the description of each paragraph in your plan have?
  • Do you need to write a description of the introduction and any final summary or conclusion in your plan?
  • What else should you do before you actually start writing your answer?


While you do the timed writing task

  • How much time within the time limit do you need for a final edit?
  • What should you do when you reach the exact time limit (exactly 45 minutes or 90 minutes from first looking at the task or tasks)?


After the time limit

  • What should you do after the time limit?
  • How can you quickly count the approximate number of words in your answer?
  • How can you make it clear which changes are made after the time limit?
  • What can you use to help you improve your answer after the time limit?


Read the guided answer sheet below and discuss anything that is different between that and your own ideas as a class.



Name: ______________________________________________



Use one of these guided answer sheets for each C2 Proficiency Writing task that you do, i.e. you need two to do a whole writing test. Please read the whole answer sheet below before looking at the writing question(s).

Sit down with only a (blue or black) pen and watch or stopwatch, and with the required time to do the task(s) without stopping (= 45 minutes or 90 minutes non-stop). Follow the instructions below in the order given. Don’t look at the exam question(s) until these instructions tell you to (so not on the train on the way home!) Write the time that is on your clock below before you look at the question(s).  Then look at the (first) question, underline key words in it, write a plan, write the time after planning, and start writing your answer on the blank lines below. Try to reach the word limit, fully answer the question(s) and do a brief final edit within the time limit. Stop at exactly at the exam time limit (45 min per task), and write the approximate number of words you wrote within the time limit in the space given on the last page. Then change to a different pen (e.g. a red pen) and do more work on your essay (using a dictionary, looking at model answers, etc), following the instructions at the bottom of the last page. Cross out any language that you decide to change during this stage (so don’t erase, and don’t give two options without crossing out one).  Finally, list the things you did in the extra time on the last page. Please complete all the sections below before you hand in your writing.


Stage 1: Planning

Write the time below (e.g. “15:55”), look at the question for the first time, underline key words in the task, and plan your answer in the spaces given.


Time on your clock/ stopwatch before looking at the question: _____:____ (e.g. 17:55)

Write any brainstorming that you do here (optional, and usually not needed)






Before you start writing, write a very simple plan here for the two or three paragraphs in the body of your writing. (There is no need to plan the introduction and conclusion).

  1. Introduction (needed, but no need to plan)
  2. Topic of body paragraph 1: ____________________________________________.
  3. Topic of body paragraph 2: ____________________________________________.
  4. Topic of body paragraph 3 (optional): ___________________________________.
  5. Summary/ Conclusion (needed, but no need to plan)

Write the time when planning is finished and you are ready to start writing:

Time when you are ready to start writing:                                                  ___:___ (e.g. “17:58”)

Stage 2: Timed writing exam practice

Write your answer below in pen in the rest of the time available, including editing at the end (not worrying about neatness too much as long as the work is easily readable), e.g. 37 minutes for writing and four minutes for editing if it took you four minutes to plan.














































Stage 3: Working out how well you did within the time limit

Work out more or less how many words you wrote and how you used the time using these calculations:


Number of words per line: __________________ (= words in the first two lines x 0.5)

Number of lines: _______________________ (with two half lines counting as one line)

Approximate number of words: _____________________ (= no. per line x no. of lines)



Planning time (from seeing the task to starting to write the answer): ______________ Time spent writing the answer: _____________________________

Time editing (correcting mistakes, adding better language, etc): ______________

Total: _______________________________________ (should be exactly 45 minutes!)


Stage 4: Extra work after the timed exam practice

After you have finished your timed task(s), you should spend extra time on your writing before you hand it into your teacher to make sure you learn something from doing the task, but:

  • Use a different coloured pen (e.g. a red pen)
  • Cross off anything that you change (don’t just give different options)


Extra time spent after finishing the timed task(s): ___________ minutes (e.g. “25 minutes”)


Actions you took after finishing the timed task(s) (please tick and write the things you did):

  • Edited again
  • Added text at the end (to support your conclusion, add something to the summary, etc)
  • Added text in the middle (to make all paragraphs have at least two sentences, etc)
  • Added more complex or more suitable language from the coursebook
  • Added other more complex or more suitable language from the class handouts
  • Added more complex or suitable language from ______________________________
  • Looked at Cambridge Proficiency writing model answers from __________________
  • Looked back at the feedback on your previous writing
  • Asked someone for advice/ feedback/ proofreading
  • Used a dictionary
  • Checked spelling with/ by ______________________________________________
  • Checked grammar with/ by ____________________________________________
  • Checked vocabulary with/ by __________________________________________
  • Got tips on good writing from __________________________________________



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