Business English Presentations- Advice Vocabulary


Vocabulary for giving and talking about presentations speaking practice

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Presentations vocabulary advice and useful phrases

Choose one of the words below and give some advice about presentations. See if your partner agrees, discuss that topic more if you like, then take turns doing the same with different vocabulary from below.


(Line) graph                                                                                           (Pie/ bar) chart

(Radio) mic (= Microphone)                                                  (Special) effects/ Animation

Aim/ Purpose/ Thesis statement                                                        Apology/ Apologise

Applause                                                                                               Attendee/ Audience

Attention                                                                                                Beam

Body language/ Eye contact                                                 Brainstorm

Break                                                                                                      Bullet point

ClipArt                                                                                      Column/ Row

Conclude/ Conclusion/ Ending/ Closing                             Diagram

Dias/ Stage                                                                                           Drink

Empathising/ Connecting                                                                   Equipment

Fidget                                                                                                     Figure

Flipchart                                                                                                 Font

Greet/ Greetings                                                                                   Hand out/ Pass out/ Give out

Hand over                                                                                              Heading/ Title

Hook                                                                                                       Interrupt

Intonation                                                                                               Introduce/ Introduction

Joke                                                                                                        Key/ Caption

Laptop                                                                                      Lectern

Lights                                                                                                     Memorise

Move on                                                                                                 Nerves

Notes                                                                                                      Overhead projector (OHP)

Pace                                                                                                       Pause

Photocopy/ Handout                                                              Picture

Planning                                                                                                Point/ Pointer/ Laser pointer

PowerPoint                                                                                           Projector

Q&A/ Questions                                                                                   Quote/ Quotation

Read something out                                                              Remote control

Rhetorical question                                                                              Row

Script                                                                                                      Signalling

Size                                                                                                        Slide

Stages/ Staging                                                                                    Summary/ Summarise

Survey                                                                                      Switch

Table                                                                                                      Technical problems

Text                                                                                                         Thanks

Time                                                                                                       Topic/ Subject

Visuals                                                                                     Voice

Ask about any which you don’t understand, can’t think of any related advice for, etc, discussing related things you could do and say in a presentation each time. 

Write down useful phrases to say in a presentation using these words from above:

(Line) graph/ (Pie/ bar) chart/ Diagram/ Table/ Picture



Attend/ Attendee/ Audience






Bullet point



Column/ Row









Conclude/ Conclusion









Introduce/ Introduction






Quote/ Quotation



Move on












Summary/ Summarise/ Sum up









Write down useful phrases connected to these situations that you gave advice about.





Checking everyone can hear and see




Having problems with the equipment




Handing things out




Creating a “hook” to get the audience’s attention straightaway and keep it




Compare as a class or with the suggested answers.


Suggested answers

Many more phrases are possible, so please check if you wrote anything different.

Phrases using the vocabulary

(Line) graph/ (Pie/ bar) chart/ Diagram/ Table/ Picture

This… represents/ shows…

You can see from this… that…

Attend/ Attendee/ Audience

It’s nice to see so many familiar faces in the audience.

I really didn’t expect so many attendees.

Thank you for attending…


I’d like to draw your attention to…

Thank you for your kind attention.

Bullet point

These three bullet points are…

Column/ Row

The columns/ rows represent…


These figures come from…

Figure One is/ shows/ comes from…


I’d like to end with…

That is the end of my presentation. Thank you for listening.

Conclude/ Conclusion

In conclusion,…

I’d like to conclude by…

From the information I have given you, we can conclude that…


The title of my presentation is…

I’d like to start by explaining the title of my presentation.


If anything isn’t clear, please feel free to interrupt me at any time.

Introduce/ Introduction

I should probably start by introducing myself. I…

I only have time to quickly introduce the topic, but I’ll give some suggestions for further reading at the end


A joke that was popular last year/ when I was at school was…

Maybe the most famous Groucho Marx joke is…

As the joke goes,…

Quote/ Quotation

I’d like to quote…

There’s a famous quotation that says…

Move on

Moving on to the next slide/ topic/ point,…

If there are no more questions, I’ll move on to…


Let me just take a look at my notes.


Are there any questions (so far)?

If you have any questions,…

I will now answer any questions you may have. 


The next slide shows…

Moving on to the next slide…

…, which is the topic of the next slide.

Summary/ Summarise/ Sum up

To sum up,…

To summarise,…


I seem to have run out of time, but if you have any questions please come up and talk to me afterwards.

I don’t have enough time to explain this in detail, but…


The topic of my presentation is…

I chose this topic because…

I think this is an important/ interesting topic because…


Phrases related to the vocabulary but not using the words


Hi/ Hello/ Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening

… everyone/ ladies and gentlemen.

Checking everyone can hear and see

Is the microphone working?

Can everyone hear me?

Can you see at the back?

Please let me know if you can’t see or hear.

Having problems with the equipment

I’ll have to carry on without the…

Please bear with me while I sort out the…

Handing things out

Can you take one and pass them along?

Here is a copy of…

This piece of paper has…

Creating a “hook” to get the audience’s attention straightaway and keep it

Did you know that…?

… once said that…

There is an amazing statistic that…

Have you ever wondered…?

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