Business English- Present Perfect Pronunication and Speaking


Updates and experiences controlled speaking and roleplay

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Business Present Perfect pronunciation and speaking games

Choose one of the actions below and ask your partner a Yes/ No question about their experience this week. They have to answer “Yes” (i.e. they can’t answer “No” even if that is true), and you can then ask three Wh questions to work out whether they are telling the truth or not.  

This week

  • cleared your inbox/ email inbox
  • been shouted at
  • failed to complete something by the deadline
  • completed a long project
  • thought of something original
  • begun something that you are sure you will never finish
  • drunk with your colleagues or boss
  • written a report in English
  • worn the same clothes two days in a row
  • forgotten your password or security badge
  • heard gossip about your colleagues or boss
  • spoken to your CEO/ President/ Chairman/ MD (= Managing Director)


Do the same with questions about your working life

Your working life

  • fired (= Sacked)
  • made redundant (= Downsized)
  • driven a colleagues or your boss’s car
  • broken something expensive at work
  • brought your children into the office.
  • bought something because of a TV ad you saw
  • been caught using company resources for personal purposes
  • had your pay cut
  • felt bullied
  • fought against a change that your boss supported
  • flown in business class
  • lent money to a colleague
  • applied for a job that you were sure you wouldn’t get
  • won a bet with a colleague
  • burnt documents

Grammar and pronunciation

Without looking back at the previous page, try to remember the past participle (= PP = 3rd form) of these verbs.

begin                                break                                bring                                 burn

buy                                    drink                                 drive                                 feel

fight                                   fly                                      hear                                  lend

speak                               think                                  wear                                 win


Try to match the past participles of the words above by vowel sound. There is at least one match for each.

Try to find past participles of words below which also have the same vowel sounds as the past participles of the words above.

become                                          build                                               choose

fall                                                   find                                                  give

know                                               learn                                               lead

let                                                    lose                                                 pay

rise                                                  ring                                                 say

see                                                  send                                               show

sell                                                  steal                                                stand

take                                                 teach                                              throw


Using any of the verbs on this page, make your own Y/ N have you questions for your partner to answer in the same way as before.

Roleplay a progress check meeting and check what things that needed to be done have already been done (only about 50%), giving reasons for things that aren’t completed.

-----------------------------------fold or cover-------------------------------------------

Suggested answers

thought/ worn/ brought/ bought/ fought + taught

spoken/ broken/ flown + chosen/ known/ shown/ stolen/ thrown

begun/ drunk/ won + become/ rung

written/ driven + built/ given/ risen

heard/ burnt + learnt

lent/ felt + led/ let/ said/ sent

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