Business English- Comparing Marketing Methods- Discussion and Collocations


Discussing the best ways to use marketing methods, then trying to remember words that go together like marketing compound nouns

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Comparing sales and marketing methods

with sales and marketing collocations

Choose one of the lines below and say in which situations one of the things is better than the other, e.g. “A is better than B if… (but B is better when…)” Your partner will listen, maybe ask for reasons, then give their ideas on comparisons between those two things. 

Useful phrases for comparing marketing methods



For my company,

In my sector,

In my industry,

In the… sector,

In the… industry,



.... is better

… is more suitable

… is more effective

… is more cost effective

… is …er

… is more…





On the other hand,

In contrast,

In complete contrast,


Useful phrases for responding

What makes you say that?

So, do you think that…?

How about if/ when/ for…?

I (totally/ mostly/ more or less) agree (but if/ when…)

You may be right, but I would say that…


Sales and marketing methods to compare

  • product endorsement – product placement
  • a (thick) catalogue – a (thin) pamphlet, leaflet or flier
  • a comparison between your product and a competitor product – a list of your product’s USPs
  • a big public product launch – a soft product launch
  • a new niche market product – a new mass market product
  • internet adsmobile ads
  • many radio commercials – a few TV commercials
  • sports sponsorship (of a sporting event or a sports team) – arts sponsorship
  • using well known music in your radio commercial – using an original radio jingle in your radio commercial
  • full-page ads in a newspaper – sponsored content in a newspaper
  • paying an expert for SEO (search engine optimization) – paying for sponsored search results
  • banner ads – pop up ads
  • advertising on social media trying to get more social media followers
  • press advertising (in newspapers, magazines, etc) advertising on newspapers’ websites
  • upgrading an existing product launching a new product
  • rebranding an existing product launching a new product
  • spending more on marketing to increase your market share accepting that your product is just a niche product
  • redesigning your present logo a totally new logo
  • discount coupons free samples
  • increasing the number of points of sale only selling in a few exclusive points of sale
  • specifically trying to design viral marketing designing your marketing for traditional media and just hoping it will go viral
  • a long advertising campaign a short but intense advertising campaign
  • increasing the size of your marketing department more use of an outside advertising agency
  • primetime TV commercials TV commercials at cheaper times such as midmorning
  • huge discounts during the summer sales no summer sales
  • advertising on the sides of buses advertising on billboards
  • direct mail to your existing customers direct mail to all people in a city
  • limited time special offers discounts for all point card holders
  • setting a high sales target that you will probably miss setting a low sales target that your sales team will easily go past
  • trying to get people to share on your content on social media relying on people sharing their own opinions by word of mouth
  • higher salaries for sales reps – higher commissions for sales reps

Ask about anything above which you don’t understand or couldn’t compare, working together to make suitable comparisons each time.


Sales and marketing collocations

Match the words in each section below to make expressions connected to sales and marketing:

advertising                                                  ad                                     

advertising                                                  agency              

arts/ sports                                                  board                 

banner                                                         campaign

bill-                                                                coupon

direct                                                           mail

discount                                                      page ad

free                                                              sample

full-                                                                sponsorship


go                                                                 ad                       

market                                                         advertising        

marketing                                                    department

mass                                                            market (product)

mobile                                           product

niche                                                            sale

points of                                                      share

pop                                                              up ad

press                                                           viral


prime-                                                           branding

product                                                        commercial       

product                                                        endorsement   

(soft) product                                engine optimization                    

radio                                                            jingle

radio                                                            launch

re-                                                                 placement

(high/ low) sales                                        target

search                                           time


sales                                                             reps

social                                             commercial

(limited time) special                   content/ search results

sponsored                                                  grading

summer                                                       marketing

TV                                                                media (followers)

unique                                           mouth                

up-                                                                offer

viral                                                              sales

word of                                                        selling points


Check with the first worksheet. Other matches may be possible, so please check if you wrote something different.

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